Release Notes: February 2024

Release Notes for Codefresh Pipelines and GitOps

Features & enhancements

Pipelines: Blobless Git clone

Here’s an enhancement which contributes to workflow optimization - a new field in our git_clone step: the exclude_blob field. Filter out blob files from the Git repository and further streamline your development process. Fewer unnecessary files to clone and faster cloning times!

For blobless cloning, simply set exclude_blob to true. To always include blob files, you can retain the default value of false.

For details, see Fields in git-clone step.

GitOps: Argo CD application enhancements

We introduced a couple of usability enhancements for Argo CD applications in Codefresh.

Deployment record for Current Release

To more accurately represent the live deployment status of the selected application in the Timeline tab, we now clearly differentiate between current and historical deployments.

The Current Release is prominently displayed as a dedicated deployment record at the top of the Timelines tab, tagged as the Current Version. It is followed by the list of Previous Releases.

Current Release deployment record in Timeline tab

Current Release deployment record in Timeline tab
  • To prevent confusion with duplicate statuses, the application’s health and sync statuses are now exclusively displayed and tracked within the Application Header.

  • To validate that the current release as the live state, the release revision in the deployment record mirrors the sync revision displayed in Last Sync Result.

For details, see Monitoring deployments for selected Argo CD application.

The Configuration tab displays handy links to the application’s GitOps Runtime, Git Source, and YAML manifest in the Git repo.

Quick links for application in Configuration tab

Quick links for application in Configuration tab

GitOps: Deprecation of GitOps CLI for Runtime installation

As we have transitioned to Helm-based Runtimes for GitOps, we have permanently deprecated the CLI-based installation for GitOps Runtimes.

Bug fixes

  • ABAC (Attribute-based access control) rules in GO not correctly resolved when multiple rules are configured for the same user.
  • Prune skipped message for Argo CD applications after upgrading to GitOps Runtime v0.4.2.
  • Unable to delete clusters in the Codefresh UI.
  • Error on enabling Argo CD notifications in Helm chart values.yaml for Codefresh GitOps Runtime v0.4.2.
  • When adding a Git Source and manually defining the branch, metacharacters are not encoded as HTML in the YAML.
  • Renaming an ApplicationSet or GitSource removes all application’s resources and then adds them again.
  • Empty page on clicking View Native Workflow for the selected workflow in the Workflows tab.
  • (On-premises) GitOps features not loaded on accessing Account Settings from the Admin Management panel with both GitOps and Pipeline modules.