Monitoring & managing GitOps Runtimes

Optimize GitOps Runtimes

The Runtimes page displays the provisioned GitOps Runtimes in your account.

View Runtime components and information in List or Topology view formats to manage and monitor them.

Runtime List View

Runtime List View

WARNING Do not change the Argo CD password by logging into the Argo CD UI with the argocd-initial-admin-secret. Changing the Argo CD password can result in system instability, and disrupt the proper functioning of the Codefresh platform.

GitOps Runtime views

View provisioned GitOps Runtimes in List or Topology view formats.

  • List view: The default view, displays the list of provisioned Runtimes, the clusters managed by them, and Git Sources associated with them.
  • Topology view: Displays a hierarchical view of Runtimes and the clusters managed by them, with health and sync status of each cluster.

List view

The List view is a grid-view of the provisioned Runtimes.

Here is an example of the List view for runtimes.

Runtime List View

Runtime List View

Here is a description of the information in the List View.

List View Item Description
Name The name of the provisioned GitOps Runtime.
Hybrid GitOps Runtimes installed with Helm show the status as either Online (green dot) or Offline (red dot).
Type The type of GitOps Runtime provisioned, and is Helm.
Config Runtime indicates that the Runtime has been designated to store platform resources. See Designating Configuration Runtimes
Cluster/Namespace The K8s API server endpoint, as well as the namespace with the cluster.
Modules The modules installed based on the type of provisioned Runtime. Hybrid GitOps Runtimes include CI and CD Ops modules.
Managed Cluster The number of managed clusters, if any, registered with the GitOps Runtime. To view list of managed clusters, click the runtime name, and then the Managed Clusters tab. To work with managed clusters, see Adding external clusters to runtimes.
Version The version of the Runtime currently installed, and the version of the Helm chart in parentheses.

Update Available! indicates there are newer versions of the Runtime, Helm chart, or both.
To see all the commits and changes for the version, mouse over Update Available!, and select View Complete Change Log.
Upgrade GitOps Runtimes
View changelogs for GitOps Runtimes
Rollback GitOps Runtimes
Last Updated The most recent update information from the runtime to the Codefresh platform. Updates are sent to the platform typically every few minutes. Longer update intervals may indicate networking issues.
Sync Status The sync status of the GitOps Runtime. The sync status is displayed only when you have completed installation and configured the GitOps Runtime as an Argo Application.
  • Synced
  • Syncing.
  • Out-of-sync.
  • N/A: Codefresh could not get the sync status. This could be because the Runtime is not configured as an Argo application.
  • Complete Installation: Git credentials are not configured for the Runtime. Click the three-dot context menu and select Update Git Runtime Credentials. See Update Git credentials for GitOps Runtimes.
Actions The possible actions to manage the selected runtime.
  • Set as Configuration Runtime: Designate the selected Runtime to store platform resources which are runtime-agnostic. See Designating Configuration Runtimes.
  • Upgrade: Upgrade to the latest version. See Upgrade GitOps Runtimes.
  • Download All Logs:Download logs for the Runtime or for its components. See View/download logs for GitOps Runtimes.
  • Update Git Runtime Credentials: Update Git token for Runtime. See Update Git credentials for GitOps Runtimes.
  • Runtimes as applications: Options to view and monitor GitOps Runtimes as applications in the Current State tab of the GitOps Apps dashboard. For details on monitoring appplication resources, see Monitoring resources for Argo CD applications.
    • Runtime Application: Available only when the GitOps Runtime is configured as an Argo CD application. For configuration steps, see Configuring GitOps Runtime as an Argo CD application.
    • Runtime ISC Application: Available when a Hybrid GitOps Runtime is installed. Displays the resources of the Shared Configuration Repository (referred to internally as ISC/isc).
    • Runtime Resources Application: Available when a Hybrid GitOps Runtime is installed. Displays the resources in the local cluster (in-cluster).
  • Delete Runtime: Available only when the Hybrid GitOps Runtime is Offline.
    Delete the GitOps Runtime from the Codefresh platform, retaining it on the cluster. See Delete GitOps Runtimes.
  • Uninstall Runtime: Uninstall the runtime from the cluster on which it is provisioned. See Uninstall GitOps Runtimes.

Topology view

A hierarchical visualization of the provisioned GitOps Runtimes. The Topology view makes it easy to identify key information such as versions, health and sync status, for both the provisioned Runtime and the clusters managed by it. Here is an example of the Topology view for GitOps Runtimes.

Runtime Topology View

Runtime Topology View

Here is a description of the information in the Topology view.

Topology View Item Description
Runtime the provisioned Runtime.
Hybrid Runtimes display the name of the K8s API server endpoint with the cluster.
Cluster The local, and managed clusters if any, for the Runtime.
  • indicates the local cluster, always displayed as `in-cluster`. The in-cluster server URL is always set to `https://kubernetes.default.svc/`.
  • indicates a managed cluster.
  • select to add a new managed cluster.
To view cluster components, select the cluster. To add and work with managed clusters, see Managing external clusters in GitOps Runtimes.
Health/Sync status The health and sync status of the Runtime or cluster.
  • indicates health or sync errors in the Runtime, or a managed cluster if one was added to the runtime.
    The runtime or cluster node is bordered in red and the name is colored red.
  • indicates that the Runtime is being synced to the cluster on which it is provisioned.
Search and View options
  • Find a Runtime or its clusters by typing part of the Runtime/cluster name, and then navigate to the entries found.
  • Topology view options: Resize to window, zoom in, zoom out, full screen view.

Designating Configuration Runtimes

Designate any GitOps Runtime as a Configuration Runtime to manage platform-level resources which are Runtime-agnostic. These resources are crucial for functionality related to Products in GitOps, and Promotions such as Promotion Policies, Promotion Templates, and Promotion Flows.

Single vs multiple Configuration Runtimes

You can designate a single Runtime or multiple Runtimes as Configuration Runtimes. You may want to designate more than one Configuration Runtime for redundancy. Codefresh makes sure that there are no duplicate resources among the designated Configuration Runtimes if there are multiple such Runtimes.

Designation options

You can designate Configuration Runtimes through the user interface (UI) or by editing the values file.
Conversely, you can also unset any GitOps Runtime designated as such when needed. If there are no Configuration Runtimes in the account, platform resources are not synced to the cluster.

Designating a Configuration Runtime in the UI

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. Select the Runtime to designate as the Configuration Runtime, and from the context menu, select Set as Configuration Runtime.

Set GitOps Runtime as Configuration Runtime

Set GitOps Runtime as Configuration Runtime

You’ll see that the Type column displays Config Runtime.

GitOps Runtime designated as Configuration Runtime

GitOps Runtime designated as Configuration Runtime
  1. To remove the designation, from the context menu of the Runtime, select Unset as Configuration Runtime.

Designating a Configuration Runtime in values.yaml

  1. In the values.yaml file, navigate to global.runtime.
  2. To designate a specific Runtime, set the isConfigurationRuntime flag for that Runtime to true (default is false).
    url: # ngrok

      token: <TOKEN>

    name: ngrok-noam
    isConfigurationRuntime: true # saves platform configuration in this Runtime 

      enabled: true
      className: nginx-public

Configuration folder in Shared Configuration Repository

When a Runtime is designated as a Configuration Runtime, Codefresh creates a folder entitled configuration in the Shared Configuration Repository within resources. The folder includes additional subfolders for the different platform settings.

Only GitOps Runtimes designated as Configuration Runtimes sync to this folder and its subfolders.

├── resources <───────────────────┐
│   ├── all-runtimes-all-clusters 
│   ├── configurations            │ # new folder storing platform configuration
│       ├── products              │
│   ├── control-planes            │        
│   ├── runtimes                  │
│   │   ├── runtime1              │    
│   │   └── runtime2              │    
│   └── manifest6.yaml            │
└── runtimes                      │
│    ├── runtime1                 │ 
│   │   ├── in-cluster.yaml       ┤     

(Hybrid GitOps) Configure Runtime as Argo CD application

Configure the Hybrid GitOps Runtime as an Argo CD Application. This is usually done when installing the Runtime. You can configure the Runtime when needed after installation.

Configuring the Runtime as an Argo CD application, allows you to:

  • View the Runtime components, monitor health and sync statuses, and ensure that GitOps is the single source of truth for the Runtime.
  • View and its resources, services, and deployment history in the GitOps Apps dashboard through the Runtime Application option in the Runtime’s context menu
How to
  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. Switch to the List View.
  4. Select the Hybrid GitOps Runtime to configure as an Argo CD application.
  5. In the Runtime Component tab, in 3: Configure runtime as an Argo Application, click Configure.

Configuring GitOps Runtime as an Argo CD Application

Configuring GitOps Runtime as an Argo CD Application

The Runtime’s context menu now includes the Runtime Application option, which when selected takes you to the Current State tab in the GitOps Apps dashboard.

Runtime Application option to view and monitor resources

Runtime Application option to view and monitor resources

(Hybrid GitOps) Upgrade GitOps Runtimes

Upgrade provisioned Hybrid GitOps Runtimes to install critical security updates, new functionality, and the latest versions of all components.

For details on Argo CD versions and their compatible Kubernetes versions, see Argo CD versioning information and Kubernetes tested versions.

Changelog for new versions
Codefresh alerts you to newer versions of Runtimes, through Update Available! Notification in the List View’s Version column. A new version of the GtiOps Runtime includes a link to the changelog, detailing the changes in that version.
See also View changelogs for GitOps Runtimes.

Upgrade procedure
The upgrade procedure differs slightly depending on whether the GitOps Runtime has been configured as an Argo CD application or not:

  • For Runtimes configured as Argo CD applications, you need to manually update the version in the Helm chart located in the Shared Configuration Repository.
  • For other Runtimes, run the upgrade command.

If you have managed clusters for Hybrid GitOps Runtimes, upgrading the Runtime automatically updates runtime components within the managed cluster as well.

How to
  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. To upgrade in List view, move to the Version column, and do the following:
    1. To see the changes in the new version of the Runtime, mouse over Update Available!, and click View Complete Change Log.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • To the right of the row with the Runtime to upgrade, click the context menu and select Upgrade.
      • Click the Runtime name, and then click Upgrade on the top-right.

List View: Upgrade runtime option

List View: Upgrade runtime option
  1. To upgrade in Topology view: Click the Runtime cluster, and from the panel, click the context menu, and then select Upgrade Runtime.

Topology View: Upgrade runtime option

Topology View: Upgrade runtime option
  1. Do one of the following depending on whether you have configured the Runtime as an Argo CD Application or not:
    • Argo CD GitOps Runtimes: Continue from step 6.
    • Non-Argo CD GitOps Runtimes: Continue from step 7.
  2. For GitOps Runtimes, do the following:
    1. In your Shared Configuration Repository, go to resources/<runtime_name>/chart
      <runtime_name> is the name of the Hybrid GitOps Runtime to upgrade.
    2. In chart.yaml, change the version number in both .version and .dependencies.version.
    3. Commit the change, and push to your Git server.
      apiVersion: v2
      appVersion: 1.0.0
      description: Codefresh gitops runtime umbrella chart
      name: codefresh-gitops-runtime
      version: <version>
           - name: gitops-runtime
       repository: oci://
       version: <version>
  3. For non-GitOps Runtimes, do the following:
    1. Copy and run the upgrade command:
      RELEASE_NAME=$(helm ls -n codefresh-gitops-runtime -q) && helm upgrade ${RELEASE_NAME} -n codefresh-gitops-runtime
    2. To exit the upgrade panel, click Close.

(Hybrid GitOps) View changelogs for GitOps Runtimes

Each version of a GitOps Runtime includes a changelog detailing the changes in that release. Changelogs are available in ArtifactHub and GitHub

Changelog for latest Runtime release in Codefresh

In the GitOps Runtimes List view, the Version column displays the version currently installed.

Whenever there is a newer version of the Runtime, Helm chart, or both, the Update Available! notification appears in the same column.
Mouse over shows a link to the changelog for that version on GitHub.
The example below shows the changelog for the Latest release of the GitOps Runtime.

Example of changelog for GitOps Runtime on GitHub

Example of changelog for GitOps Runtime on GitHub
Changelogs for all Runtime releases

Changelogs for all versions, including historical versions, are available on ArtifactHub and GitHub.

  • GitHub
  • ArtifactHub
    On the right, select the chart version, and then click Changelog above.

Accessing changelog for GitOps Runtime on ArtifactHub

Accessing changelog for GitOps Runtime on ArtifactHub

Enable precise sync detection for monorepo apps

Enable the ACR Controller in GitOps Runtimes to precisely detect sync operations that triggered deployments for applications in monorepo setups.

When enabled, the ACR Controller:

  • Identifies and tracks application-specific changes by analyzing the application’s source path.
  • Compares revisions to identify the specific sync operation that triggered the promotion or deployment.
  • Automatically adds the .app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision to application manifests.

To trigger and customize notifications for the identified revision, update the notification controller and configure the notification template accordingly.

How to
  1. If needed, upgrade your Runtime to version 0.13.0 or higher.
  2. In the Runtime's values.yaml, enable the ACR controller by adding the following to the argo-cd section:
        enabled: true
  3. In the notification controller, switch the revision being used to .app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision.
    Here's an example with the new notification trigger:
        trigger.on-deployed: |
          - description: Application is synced and healthy. Triggered once per commit.
            when: == 'Healthy' and app.status.operationState != nil and app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision != nil and app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded']
            oncePer: app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision
              - app-deployed
  4. Configure the notification template to report the changeRevision, as in the example below:
        message: "Author: {{(call .repo.GetCommitMetadata .app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision).Author}}, message: {{(call .repo.GetCommitMetadata .app.status.operationState.operation.sync.changeRevision).Message}}"
  5. If you don't receive notifications, see Not receiving application-scoped sync notifications with ACR Controller.

(Hybrid GitOps) Roll back GitOps Runtimes

After upgrading a GitOps Runtime, roll back to the previous or a specific version of the Runtime.
The rollback procedure differs slightly depending on whether the GitOps Runtime has been configured as an Argo CD application or not.

Roll back GitOps Runtimes configured as Argo CD applications

Manually change the version in the Helm chart (chart.yaml) located in the Shared Configuration Repository.

  1. In your Shared Configuration Repository, go to:
    <runtime_name> is the name of the Hybrid GitOps Runtime to upgrade.
  2. In chart.yaml, change the version number in both .version and .dependencies.version.
  3. Commit the change, and push to your Git server.
Roll back other GitOps Runtimes

Use Helm commands such as rollback or upgrade.

If you need details, see the documentation on Helm commands.

Update Git credentials for GitOps Runtimes

Provisioned GitOps Runtimes require valid Git Runtime tokens at all times to authenticate and authorize the Runtime. The Git Runtime token differs from the Git user token which is a personal access token unique to each user. As such, you can use the same Git Runtime token for multiple Runtimes.

Git credentials are synced to the Shared Configuration Repository defined during installation. If you change your Git credentials, the Git account must match that of the Shared repo. For example, if the Shared repo is defined as and the Git provider is defined as bitbucket, the update will fail.

When to update
If your Git Runtime token is valid, you can update it at any time by deleting the existing token and replacing it with a new token.

Otherwise, you have to update Git tokens in the following situations:

  • Complete Installation status displayed in Sync column for Runtime
    You have installed the Runtime but need to update the Git credentials to complete the installation.
  • Invalid, revoked, or expired tokens
    Codefresh automatically flags Runtimes with such tokens. It is mandatory to update the Git tokens to continue working with the platform.

Update methods
The methods for updating any Git token are the same regardless of the reason for the update:

  • OAuth2 authorization, if your admin has registered an OAuth Application for Codefresh.
  • Git access token authentication, by generating a Git Runtime token in your Git provider account with the correct scopes. You can update your Git Runtime token in the UI or through the CLI.

Update Git Runtime credentials in Codefresh UI

Before you begin

  • To authenticate through a Git Runtime token, make sure your token is valid and has the required scopes

How to

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. Switch to the List View.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To the right of the row with the Runtime to update, click the context menu and select Update Git Runtime Credentials.
    • Click the Runtime name, click the context-menu on the top-right, and then select Update Git Runtime Credentials.

Update Git Runtime credentials

Update Git Runtime credentials
  1. Do one of the following:
    • If your admin has set up OAuth access, click Authorize Access to Git Provider. Go to step 6.
    • Alternatively, authenticate with an access token from your Git provider. Go to step 7.
  1. For OAuth2 authorization:

    If the application is not registered, you get an error. Contact your admin for help.

    • Enter your credentials, and select Sign In.
    • If required, as for example if two-factor authentication is configured, complete the verification.

Authorizing access with OAuth2

Authorizing access with OAuth2
  1. For Git token authentication, paste the generated token in the Git runtime token field.
  2. Click Update Credentials.

Update Git Runtime token through CLI

If you are using Git Runtime tokens for authentication, you can also update them through the Codefresh CLI.

  • Run: cf config update-gitops-settings --shared-config-repo <repo_url> [--git-provider <git-provider>] [--git-api-url <git-api-url>]


    • <repo_url> is required, and is the URL of the Shared Configuration Repository, and must match the Git provider.
    • --git-provider is optional for cloud providers as Codefresh identifies the provider through the Shared repo URL. Required for on-premises providers, and can be one of the following:
      • GitHub and GitHub Enterprise: github
      • GitLab Cloud and GitLab Server: gitlab
      • Bitbucket Cloud: bitbucket
      • Bitbucket Server: bitbucket-server
    • --git-api-url is optional for all Git providers, including on-premises repo clones.

Configure SSH for GitOps Runtimes

By default, Git repositories use the HTTPS protocol. You can also use SSH to connect Git repositories by entering the SSH private key.

When SSH is configured for a GitOps Runtime, when creating/editing Git-Source applications, you can select HTTPS OR SSH as the protocol to connect to the Git repository. See Repository URL in Application Source definitions.

SSH keys For more information on generating SSH private keys, see the official documentation:

Before you begin Copy the SSH private key for your Git provider

How to

  1. In the Codefresh UI, make sure you are in GitOps Runtimes.
  2. From the List View, select the runtime for which to configure SSH.
  3. From the context menu with the additional actions on the top-right, select Update Git Runtime Credentials.

Update Git runtime credentials

Update Git runtime credentials
  1. Expand Connect Repo using SSH, and then paste the raw SSH private key into the field.

Update Git runtime credentials

Update Git runtime credentials
  1. Click Update Credentials.

View/download logs for GitOps Runtimes

Logs are available for installed GitOps Runtimes, both for the Runtime and for individual Runtime components. Download log files for offline viewing and analysis, or view online logs for a Runtime component and download if needed for offline analysis. Online logs support free-text search, search-result navigation, and line-wrap for enhanced readability.

Log files include events from the date of the application launch, with the newest events listed first.

Download logs for GitOps Runtimes

Download the log file for a GitOps Runtime. The Runtime log is downloaded as a .tar.gz file, which contains the individual log files for each runtime component.

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. If needed, switch to List View, and then select the runtime for which to download logs.
  4. From the context menu, select Download All Logs. The log file is downloaded to the Downloads folder or the folder designated for downloads, with the filename, <runtime-name>.tar.gz. For example, codefreshv2-production2.tar.gz.

View/download logs for Runtime components

View online logs for any Runtime component, and if needed, download the log file for offline viewing and analysis.

Downloading logs for Runtime components is supported from Runtime v0.1.39 and higher.

Online logs show up to 1000 of the most recent events (lines), updated in real time. Downloaded logs include all the events, from the date and time of application launch to the date and time of download.

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. If needed, switch to List View, and then select the Runtime.
  4. In the Runtime Components tab, from the context menu of the required component, select View Logs.

View log option for individual runtime component

View log option for individual runtime component
  1. Do the following:
    • To search for any string, type the free-text to search for, and click the next and previous buttons to navigate between the search results.
    • To switch on line-wrap for readability, click Wrap.

Online log example for runtime component

Online log example for runtime component
  1. To download the log, click Download. The file is downloaded as <component-name>.log.

Reset Shared Configuration Repository for GitOps Runtimes

When you install the first Hybrid GitOps Runtime for your account, as part of the setup, Codefresh creates the Shared Configuration Repository in your Git provider account and validates the URL. The Shared Configuration Repo is used for all GitOps Runtimes you add to the same account.

As a Codefresh admin, you can reset the repo defined for your account if the URL is either incorrect or missing, or if there are no active GitOps Runtimes. See Reset Shared Configuration Repo.

Deep Links is an Argo CD feature that redirects users to third-party applications/platforms by surfacing links to the same in Argo CD projects, applications, and resources. Read all about it in Argo CD Deep Links.

In Codefresh, you can configure deep links to third-party applications/platforms in the argocd-cm ConfigMap, located in the repo where you installed the Hybrid GitOps Runtime. When configured, deep links are displayed in the application’s Current State tab in Tree view. See Working with resources in Tree View.

Deep link configuration in Codefresh requires Runtime v0.1.27 or higher.

  1. Go to the <hybrid-gitops-installation-repo>/bootstrap/argo-cd/kustomization.yaml.
  2. Configure deep links as in the example below.
- name: argocd-cm
  behavior: merge
  - |
    resource.links:=- url: https://<mycompany>
        title: Splunk
        description: jf
        icon.class: "fa-book"
  - |
    application.links=- url: https://<mycompany>
        title: Splunk
        description: jf
        icon.class: "fa-book"


  • <location>:=- url: defines where the link is displayed and the target URL to link to:
    • location can be application.links (Application) or resource.links (Resource). Codefresh does not show Argo CD projects.
    • url is the target URL in the format https://<url>.com, for example,
  • titleis the display name for the link, as will appear in the UI. For example, Splunk.
  • descriptionis optional, and presents additional info on the link.
  • icon-class is optional, and is the font-awesome icon class displayed to the left of the title.

Argo CD also supports if conditional statements to control when the deep links are displayed. When omitted, configured deep links are always displayed.
For more details, read Configuring Deep Links in Argo CD.

(Hybrid GitOps) Delete GitOps Runtimes

Delete Helm GitOps Runtimes which are offline from the Codefresh platform. The Runtime is not removed from the cluster.

To remove the GitOps Runtime from the Codefresh platform and from the cluster, uninstall the Runtime.

The Delete option is available in List View, and is enabled only when a Helm Runtime is offline.

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. Switch to the List View.
  4. To the right of the row with the Runtime to delete, click the context menu and select Delete.
  5. Type the name of the Runtime and click Delete to confirm.

Uninstall GitOps Runtimes

Uninstall provisioned GitOps Runtimes that are not in use.

Uninstalling a GitOps Runtime permanently removes:

  • The Runtime from the Codefresh platform and from the cluster it is provisioned on
  • The Git Sources and managed clusters associated with it
How to
  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon.
  2. From the sidebar, select GitOps Runtimes.
  3. Switch to either the List View or to the Topology View.
  4. To uninstall from the List view, do one of the following:
    • To the right of the row with the Runtime to uninstall, click the context menu and select Uninstall.
    • Click the Runtime name, click the context-menu on the top-right, and then select Uninstall.

List View: Uninstall runtime option

List View: Uninstall runtime option
  1. To uninstall from the Topology view, click the Runtime cluster, and from the panel, click the context menu, and then select Uninstall.

Topology View: Uninstall runtime option

Topology View: Uninstall runtime option
  1. Copy and run the uninstall command:
    RELEASE_NAME=$(helm ls -n codefresh-gitops-runtime -q) && helm uninstall ${RELEASE_NAME} -n codefresh-gitops-runtime
  1. Click Close to exit.

(Hybrid GitOps) Troubleshoot communication problems

You have a communication problem if you see either of these notifications: Unable to communicate with a runtime_name OR Unable to communicate with two or more runtimes

Refer to our troubleshooting section for a list of possible causes and the corresponding corrective actions.

(Hybrid GitOps) View notifications in Activity Log

The Activity Log is a quick way to monitor notifications for Runtime events such as upgrades. A pull-down panel in the Codefresh toolbar, the Activity Log shows ongoing, success, and error notifications, sorted by date, starting with today’s date.

  1. In the Codefresh UI, on the top-right of the toolbar, select Activity Log.
  2. To see notifications for provisioned Runtimes, filter by Runtime.

Activity Log filtered by Runtime events

Activity Log filtered by Runtime events
  1. To see more information on an error, select the + sign.

Managing Git Sources in GitOps Runtimes
Managing external clusters in GitOps Runtimes
Shared Configuration Repository