Jira notification integrations for pipelines
Codefresh integrates with Jira in several ways, both to pull information from Jira to Codefresh for enriched images, and to push information from Codefresh to Jira for notifications.
This article describes how set up the integration with Jira to push information from Codefresh to Jira.
For information on how to set up integration with Jira for CI pipelines, see Jira pipeline integration.
For Jira notifications, you can integrate:
- Through a custom step from our step Marketplace so that you can connect your pipelines with Jira
- Alternatively, through using your own jira-cli
Use Jira in your Codefresh pipeline
The step marketplace offers several freestyle steps that can be used in your Codefresh pipeline through steps.
One of those steps is the Jira Issue Manager.
It can be used to:
- Create a Jira issue
- Comment on existing Jira issues
- Change the status of an issue, for example, once the build is successful
- Add a description to your issue
- And more
For more information, see Send notification to Jira example.
Using your own jira-cli
Alternatively, you can use your own jira-cli by adding the following steps to your Dockerfile:
FROM python:2-alpine
RUN apk add -U gcc musl-dev linux-headers openssl-dev libffi-dev && pip install jira-cli
And then running the Dockerfile.
Related articles
Example for sending notifications to Jira
CI/CD pipeline examples
Create pipelines