Git-clone step

Check out code in your pipelines

Clones a Git repository to the filesystem.

A pipeline can have any number of Git clone steps (even none). You can check out code from any private or public repository. Cloning a repository is not constrained to the trigger of a pipeline. You can trigger a pipeline from a commit that happened on Git repository A while the pipeline is checking out code from Git Repository B.



  type: git-clone
  title: Step Title
  description: Step description
  working_directory: /path
  repo: owner/repo
  git: my-git-provider
  revision: abcdef12345'
  use_proxy: false
    username: user
    password: credentials
  fail_fast: false
  strict_fail_fast: true
      ignore: [ develop ]


Field Description Required/Optional/Default
title The free-text display name of the step. Optional
description A basic, free-text description of the step. Optional
stage Parent group of this step. See using stages for more information. Optional
working_directory The directory to which the repository is cloned. It can be an explicit path in the container’s file system, or a variable that references another step. The default value is ${{main_clone}}, but note that the default will only be used if you name your step main_clone. See the example on working inside the cloned directory for more information. Default
git The name of the Git integration you want to use. If left empty, Codefresh will attempt to use the git provider that was used during account sign-up. Note that this might have unexpected results if you are changing your Git integrations. Required
repo The path of the repository without the domain name in the form of my_username/ my_repo.
Note: To clone a GitHub wiki, specify the full URL of the wiki, for example, "".
revision The revision of the repository you are checking out. It can be a revision hash or a branch name. The default value is the branch you have specified in your Git provider (e.g master or main). Default
depth The number of commits to pull from the repo to create a shallow clone. Creating a shallow clone truncates the history to the number of commits specified, instead of pulling the entire history. Optional
exclude_blob Specifies if to include or exclude blob (Binary Large Object) objects from the Git repo being cloned.
The options are:
  • false: The default, includes blob objects from the Git repo being cloned.
  • true: Excludes blob objects from the Git repo being cloned. Blob objects in the HEAD are always included, while historical versions are not.
use_proxy If set to true the Git clone process will honor HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY variables if present for working via a proxy. Default value is false. Default
credentials Credentials to access the repository, if it requires authentication. It can an object containing username and password fields. Credentials are optional if you are using the built-in Git integrations . Optional
timeout The maximum duration permitted to complete step execution in seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h), after which to automatically terminate step execution. For example, timeout: 1.5h.
The timeout supports integers and floating numbers, and can be set to a maximum of 2147483647ms (approximately 24.8 days).

If defined and set to either 0s/m/h or null, the timeout is ignored and step execution is not terminated.
See Add a timeout to terminate step execution.
fail_fast Determines pipeline execution behavior in case of step failure.
  • true: The default, terminates pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns `Failed to execute`.
  • false: Continues pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns Build completed successfully.
    To change the Build status, set strict_fail_fast to true.
strict_fail_fast Specifies how to report the Build status when fail_fast is set to false.
Requires Runner chart upgrade to v6.3.9 or higher.

You can set the Build status reporting behavior at the root-level or at the step-level for the pipeline.
  • true:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false and strict_fail_fast=true fails to execute.
  • false:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.

strict_fail_fast does not impact the Build status reported for parallel steps with fail_fast enabled. Even if a child step fails, the parallel step itself is considered successful. See also Handling error conditions in a pipeline.
when Define a set of conditions that need to be satisfied in order to execute this step. You can find more information in the Conditional execution of steps article. Optional
on_success, on_fail and on_finish Define operations to perform upon step completion using a set of predefined Post-Step Operations. Optional
retry Define retry behavior as described in Retrying a step. Optional

Exported resources:

  • Working Directory

If you want to extend the git-clone step you can use the freestyle step. Example how to do it you can find here.

Basic clone step (project-based pipeline)

The easiest way to use a Git clone step is to use your default Git provider as configured in built-in Git integrations.

Here is an example of a pipeline that will automatically check out the repository that triggered it (i.e. a commit happened on that repository).

The name of the clone step is main_clone. This will automatically set the working directory of all other steps that follow it inside the folder of the project that was checked out. This only applies to built-in Codefresh steps and not custom plugins. This is normally what you want for a pipeline that only checks out a single project. If you use any other name apart from main_clone the working directory for all subsequent steps will not be affected and it will default on the shared volume which is the parent folder of checkouts.


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning main repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-git-provider
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

The CF values will be automatically filled by Codefresh from the Git trigger. See Variables in pipelines for more details.

Choosing a specific Git provider (project-based pipeline)

If you don’t want to use the default Git provider, you can explicitly set the provider by using the same name as in the integration shown in the Git integrations page.

Example Git integrations

Example Git integrations

Here is an example for an integration with the GitLab provider already connected:


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning main repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-gitlab
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

Check out a specific repository/revision (project based pipeline)

If you want to check out a specific git repository regardless of what repository actually created the trigger, you can just define all values in a non-static manner. For example, if you want your pipeline to always check out Git repository foo even when the trigger happened from repository bar you can define the checkout step as below:


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning main repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: 'my-github-username/foo'
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-github-integration
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

In a similar manner you can also define that the pipeline will always check out master, regardless of the commit that actually triggered it.


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning main repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
        revision: 'master'
        git: my-git-provider
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

Check out code using the Codefresh Runner

If you are using the Codefresh runner, you need to use the fully qualified path of the Git repository:


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning main repository...'
        type: git-clone
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-internal-git-provider
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

For more details, see Checking out code from a private Git repository.

Check out multiple Git repositories

It is very easy to check out additional repositories in a single pipeline by adding more git-clone steps. In that case you should use different names for the steps (instead of main_clone) as this will make the working folder for all steps the shared volume.


version: '1.0'
        title: 'Cloning first repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: 'my-gitlab-username/foo'
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-gitlab-integration
        title: 'Cloning second repository...'
        type: git-clone
        repo: 'my-github-username/bar'
        revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'
        git: my-github-integration
        title: 'Listing files'
        image: alpine:latest
            - 'ls -l'

Skip or customize default clone (repository-based pipeline)

If you have existing pipelines connected to repositories (only for Codefresh accounts created before May 2019) a git-clone step is transparently added to Git attached pipelines without you having to explicitly add a step into the pipeline. This is a convenience to enable easy CI pipelines.
If you do not require Git cloning, or you would like to customize the implicit Git cloning behavior, you can choose to skip the automatically added git-clone step.

There are 2 ways to do that:

  1. Add a pipeline environment variable called CF_SKIP_MAIN_CLONE with value of true.


  2. Add a step with key main_clone to your pipeline. This step can be of any type and can do any action. This step will override the default clone implementation. For example:

version: '1.0'
    title: Checking out code
    image: alpine/git:latest
      - git clone ...

Add a timeout to terminate step execution

To prevent steps from running beyond a specific duration if so required, you can add the timeout flag to the step.
When defined:

  • The timeout is activated at the beginning of the step, before the step pulls images.
  • When the step’s execution duration exceeds the duration defined for the timeout, the step is automatically terminated.

To define timeouts for parallel steps, see Adding timeouts for parallel steps.

Here’s an example of the timeout field in the step:

  type: git-clone
  title: Step Title
  description: Step description
  working_directory: /path
  repo: owner/repo
  git: my-git-provider
  revision: abcdef12345'
  use_proxy: false
  timeout: 45m
    username: user
    password: credentials
  fail_fast: false
      ignore: [ develop ]

Timeout info in logs
Timeout information is displayed in the logs, as in the example below.

Step termination due to timeout in logs

Step termination due to timeout in logs

Reuse a Git token from Codefresh integrations

You also have the capability to use one of your existing Git integrations as an authentication mechanism.

The Codefresh CLI can read one of the connected Git authentication contexts and use that token for a custom clone step.

Here is an example for GitHub:

version: '1.0'
    title: Reading GitHub token
    image: codefresh/cli
      - cf_export --mask GITHUB_TOKEN=$(codefresh get context github --decrypt -o yaml | yq -r
    title: Checking out code
    image: alpine/git:latest
      - git clone https://my-github-username:$

Working with Git submodules

To check out a Git project including its submodules, you can use the Codefresh submodule plugin. This plugin is already offered as a public docker image at Docke Hub.

To use this module in your pipeline, add a new step like the one shown below.

version: '1.0'
    image: codefresh/cfstep-gitsubmodules
      - GITHUB_TOKEN=<github_token>
      - CF_SUBMODULE_SYNC=<boolean to determine if modules should be synced>
      - CF_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_RECURSIVE=<boolean to determine if modules should be recursively updated>

The GitHub token can be either defined in the pipeline on its own as an environment variable, or fetched from the existing Git integration as shown in the previous section.

Here is full pipeline example:


version: '1.0'
  - checkout
  - prepare
  - build
    title: Cloning the repository
    type: git-clone
    stage: checkout
      repo: '${{CF_REPO_OWNER}}/${{CF_REPO_NAME}}'
      git: github
      revision: '${{CF_REVISION}}'  

    image: codefresh/cfstep-gitsubmodules
    stage: prepare
    working_directory: '${{clone}}'
    title: Building docker image
    type: build
    stage: build
    working_directory: '${{clone}}/k8s/docker'
    tag: current
    disable_push: true
    image_name: 'my-docker-image'

This pipeline does the following:

  1. Clones the main source code
  2. Updates submodules
  3. Creates a docker image

Use an SSH key with Git

It is also possible to use an SSH key with Git. When creating your pipeline, add your SSH key as an encrypted environment variable after processing it with tr:

cat ~/.ssh/my_ssh_key_file | tr '\n' ','

Then in the pipeline use it like this:


version: '1.0'
    title: Checking out code
    image: alpine/git:latest
      - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
      - echo "${SSH_KEY}" | tr \'"${SPLIT_CHAR}"\' '\n' > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
      - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
      - git clone <>:my-github-username/my-repo.git
      # can also use go get or other similar command that uses git internally

Using Git behind a proxy

If you use the Codefresh Runner and need to use a network proxy in your clone step you need to set the variables HTTP_PROXY and/or HTTPS_PROXY in the pipeline and then activate the property use_proxy: true in the clone step. Example:


version: "1.0"
    title: "Cloning repository"
    type: "git-clone"
    repo: "<>"
    revision: "master"
    use_proxy: true
    git: my-git-provider

For setting the values of the proxy variables you can use any of the supported methods for defining variables such as shared configuration.

Pipeline variable

Pipeline variable

For more details, see the behind the firewall page.

Troubleshooting git-clone step

Access denied when cloning

  1. Ensure you use the right name for the git integration in your git-clone step.
  2. Go to Account Settings (gear icon) -> Pipeline Integrations -> Git.
    • If you do not have access, please contact one of your team’s admins.
  3. Ensure that the git Integration allows access to all users.
  4. Ensure that the account used for the git integration has the appropriate access.
    • Update the git integration with a new token.
    • This could be that the user associated with the git intergration does not have access to the repos.
  5. Create a new git integration and reference it in the git-clone step.

When deleting a git integration, you may get an error saying, “The integration cannot be deleted while other objects are using it.” When you see this error, it means an existing pipeline/trigger is referencing the integration. Please refer to How To: Find pipelines using specific Git integration on how to find which pipline is using the git integration.

Creating pipelines
YAML steps
Custom Git Commands