Using Helm in a Codefresh pipeline

Deploy and push Helm charts with Codefresh

We created a special Helm step for easy integration of Helm in Codefresh pipelines. The Helm step facilitates authentication, configuration, and execution of Helm commands.

If you have a special use case that is not covered by the Codefresh Helm step, you can always use the regular helm CLI command in a freestyle step.
In this case, you can use the simpler container codefresh/kube-helm which includes only Kubectl and helm tools. kube-helm is available on DockerHub:

If you are just starting with Helm, refer to our Helm quick start guide. If you prefer to work directly with code, see our full Helm example.

Helm setup

To use Helm in your Codefresh pipeline you must do the following:

  1. Make sure that your application has a Helm chart
  2. Create a Helm package for your application from the chart
  3. Add a Kubernetes cluster in Codefresh
  4. Define a Helm repository or use the one offered by Codefresh to all accounts
  5. Import the Helm configuration into your pipeline variables
  6. Use the Helm step in your Pipeline definitions YAML

Let’s see these steps in order.

Step 1: Create a Helm chart for your application

Helm applications are bundled in special archives called Charts. You can create a Helm chart for your application by following the official documentation on charts.

The example Codefresh application includes a sample chart, used in our Helm quick start guide, mentioned earlier in this article.

You can create the chart manually or by using the helm create command on your workstation. There are also several third-party tools that can create Helm packages for you such as Draft.

Once your Helm chart is ready, commit it to a folder called charts, in the same Git repository that contains the source code of your application.
Codefresh can also work with Helm charts that are in different Git repositories. We suggest however that you keep both the source code and the Helm chart of an application in the same Git repository to make chart management much easier.

Step 2: Select Kubernetes cluster for deployment

The Helm pipeline step requires the configuration of a kube_context variable that determines the Kubernetes cluster used for the deployment.

  1. Connect your Kubernetes cluster with Codefresh.

  2. Provide the cluster to the Helm step by adding the KUBE_CONTEXT variable, where the value is the connection name entered when you created the connection.

    The connection name also appears as the title of the cluster in Kubernetes integration settings (Settings > Pipeline Integrations > Kubernetes).

Name of Kubernetes cluster

Name of Kubernetes cluster
  1. Verify that your cluster is set up for Helm, from the sidebar, below DevOps Insights, select Helm Releases. The Helm releases in your cluster are displayed. If you have just started using Helm, the release page may be empty.

Step 3: Define a Helm repository

To push your chart to a Helm repository, configure the target repository to work with. It is always a good practice to save Helm charts in Helm repositories.
Codefresh supports a variety of private, authenticated Helm repositories, in addition to public HTTP repositories. Codefresh also provides a free, managed Helm repository for every account.

Step 4: (Optional) Import Helm configuration(s) into your pipeline definition

Once you have Helm repositories connected to Codefresh, you can import one or more of them into the pipeline. This step is needed in pipelines that actually upload/fetch Helm charts from/to Helm repositories. If you have a pipeline that directly installs a Helm chart from the Git filesystem, there is no need to import a Helm configuration.

  1. Click the Variables tab on the right sidebar, and then click the Settings (gear) icon.
  2. Click Import from shared configuration, and select the Helm context or contexts to import into the pipeline:
    • To import a single context, select the context. The CF_HELM_DEFAULT is the Helm repo provided by Codefresh. See also shared configuration.
    • To import multiple contexts, select each context to import.

    You can also click on Add shared configuration directly from the three dots menu for the same functionality.

Importing Helm repositories into the pipeline

Importing Helm repositories into the pipeline

This concludes the Helm setup for Codefresh. Now you can use the Helm freestyle step in the pipeline codefresh.yml file.

Step 5: Use the Helm freestyle step in the pipeline

You can now use the Helm freestyle step in the codefresh.yml file. This step is only needed in pipelines that actually upload/fetch Helm charts to/from Helm repositories. If your pipeline directly installs a Helm chart from the Git filesystem, there is no need to import a Helm configuration.

Currently, you can use only one Helm configuration in the same pipeline. We are aware of this limitation, and will soon improve the way Codefresh works with multiple Helm configurations.

The example below illustrates how to provide variables as part of the Helm step definition:

  type: helm:1.1.12
    action: install
    chart_name: test_chart
    release_name: first
    helm_version: 3.0.3
    kube_context: my-kubernetes-context
      - 'pat.arr="{one,two,three}"'
      - 'STR_WITH_COMAS="one\,two\,three"'

Helm step action modes

The Helm step can operate in one of three modes, as defined by the action argument, which can be one of the following:

  1. install: Installs the Helm chart into a Kubernetes cluster. This is the default mode if one is not explicitly set.
  2. push: Packages the Helm chart and pushes it to the repository.
  3. auth: Sets up authentication, and adds one or more Helm repos. This mode is useful to write your own Helm commands using the freestyle step’s commands property, but still allow the step to handle authentication.

Multiple Helm contexts for pipeline

If you have imported multiple Helm contexts into the same pipeline:

  • For the install and push actions, you need to define the primary Helm context to use through the primary_helm_context argument.
  • For the auth action, to use the repos from the Helm contexts imported into the pipeline, add use_repos_for_auth_action: 'true'. Otherwise, imported contexts, if any, are ignored for the auth action.

For a description of these and other arguments, see Helm step configuration fields.

Helm values

  • To supply a values file, add to the Helm step, custom_values_file, with the value pointing to an existing values file.
  • To override specific values, add to the Helm step, custom_values followed by the path to the value to set. For example, myservice_imageTag. Note that . (dot) should be replaced with _ (underscore). The value of the variable is used to override or set the templated property.


      - 'myimage_pullPolicy=Always'

results in: --set myimage.pullPolicy=Always

    - 'values-prod.yaml'

results in: --values values-prod.yaml

If a variable already contains an underscore (_) in its name, replace it with a double underscore (__). ).

Helm usage examples

The following sections illustrate all three modes of Helm usage.

You can also look at the GitHub repository of our Helm example for full pipelines:

Helm usage example: Installing a Helm Chart

The following example includes the minimum configuration to install a Helm chart from a repository. For more configuration options, see the Argument reference.

  type: helm:1.1.12
    action: install
    chart_name: /home/user/charts/mywebapp
    release_name: first
    helm_version: 3.0.3
    kube_context: my-kubernetes-context

Helm usage example: Pushing a Helm Chart

The following example illustrates how to package and push a Helm chart into a repository.

  type: helm:1.1.12
    action: push
    chart_name: /codefresh/volume/repo/chart
    chart_repo_url: 'cm://'


  • Assumes that a Git repository with the Helm chart files was cloned as a part of the pipeline.
  • The Git repository contains the chart files in the chart directory.
  • chart_repo_url is optional. If a Helm repository configuration is attached to the pipeline, this setting is ignored.

Helm usage example: Authenticating only

The following example illustrates the Helm mode for authentication only.

  type: helm:1.1.12
    action: auth
    kube_context: my-kubernetes-context
      - helm list

Helm usage example: Custom Helm commands

The following example illustrates executing custom Helm commands.


  type: helm:1.1.12
    action: auth
    kube_context: my-kubernetes-context
      - source /opt/bin/release_chart
      - helm repo add incubator
      - helm repo add stable
      - helm repo list
      - helm repo update
      - helm list

The directory that contains a chart MUST have the same name as the chart. Thus, a chart named my-chart MUST be created in a directory called my-chart/. This is a requirement of the Helm Chart format.

Helm step configuration fields

Name Description Required
action The operation performed by the Helm step, and can be of the following:
  • install: The default, installs the Helm chart into a Kubernetes cluster.
  • push: Packages the Helm chart and pushes it to the repository.
  • auth: Sets up authentication, and adds one or more Helm repos. This mode is useful to write your own Helm commands using the freestyle step's commands property, but still allow the step to handle authentication.
chart_name The chart to use for the install and push actions.
The chart name can be either:
  • The name of a packaged Helm chart, for example, myapp-1.0.0.tgz.
  • The local directory path to the folder in which the Helm chart is stored, for example, /home/user/charts/. Helm will identify the chart name from the chart.yaml file in the folder.
    When referencing a chart in a repository, `/reponame` prefix is not needed, as it is identified automatically.
CHART_NAME should not be used anymore.
chart_repo_url Helm chart repository URL. If a Helm repository configuration is attached to the pipeline, this setting is ignored. Optional
chart_subdir The subfolder where the chart is located in the JFrog Artifactory Helm repository. Optional
chart_version The version identifier used to track and communicate the version of the Helm chart itself, instead of the version of the application or service that the chart deploys. When not specified, uses the version in the chart.yaml file of the chart. Optional
cmd_ps The Postscript command to be appended as is to the generated Helm command string.
Use to set additional parameters supported by the command but not exposed as configuration options.
commands Commands to execute in plugin after auth action. Optional
credentials_in_arguments The username and password credentials to add to the Helm command as arguments. If not added to the Helm command, the credentials are passed in the URL http(s)://username:password@url.
Should be enabled for JFrog Artifactory Helm repositories.
custom_value_files The values file to provide to Helm as --values or -f. Optional
custom_values The values to provide to Helm as --set. Optional
helm_repository_context The name of the Helm repository integration configured in Codefresh. Optional
helm_version The version of the cfstep-helm image. Optional
kube_context The Kubernetes context to use when the action for the Helm step is set to install. The name of the cluster as configured in Codefresh. Optional
namespace The target Kubernetes namespace to deploy to. Optional
primary_helm_context The Helm context to use for the Helm command, when the Helm action is either install or push, and the pipeline has multiple Helm contexts. When omitted, uses the repo most recently added to the pipeline. Optional
release_name The Helm release name to use when the Helm action is set to install. If the release exists, it is upgraded. Optional
repos Array of custom repositories. Optional
set_file The values to set from the respective files specified by the command line in key=value format. To specify multiple key-value pairs, separate them with commas. Optional
skip_cf_stable_helm_repo When set to true, the default, does not add a stable repository. Optional
timeout The maximum time, in seconds, to wait for Kubernetes commands to complete. Optional
use_debian_image Use Debian-based cfstep-helm image. Optional
use_repos_for_auth_action Uses repos from attached contexts, and is required when the Helm step action is set to auth action. When required, set value to true. Optional
wait When specified, waits until all pods are in state ready to mark the release as successful. Otherwise, release is marked as successful when the minimum number of pods are ready and the Services have IP addresses. Optional
tiller_namespace Deprecated. Kubernetes namespace where Tiller is installed . Optional

Full Helm pipeline example

The pipeline in this example builds a docker image, runs unit tests, stores the Helm chart in the Codefresh private Helm repository and finally deploys the Helm chart to a cluster.

Helm pipeline

Helm pipeline

This is the pipeline definition:


version: '1.0'
  - checkout
  - build
  - test
    title: Cloning main repository...
    stage: checkout
    type: git-clone
      repo: 'codefresh-contrib/python-flask-sample-app'
      revision: with-helm
      git: github  
    title: Building Docker Image
    stage: build
    type: build
    working_directory: '${{clone}}'
      image_name: kostis-codefresh/python-flask-sample-app
      tag: 'master'
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    title: Running Unit tests
    stage: test
    type: freestyle
    working_directory: '${{clone}}'
      image: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
        - python test
    title: Storing Helm Chart
    type: helm:1.1.12
    stage: store
    working_directory: ./python-flask-sample-app
      action: push
      chart_name: charts/python
      kube_context: kostis-demo@FirstKubernetes
      type: helm:1.1.12
      stage: deploy
      working_directory: ./python-flask-sample-app
        action: install
        chart_name: charts/python
        release_name: my-python-chart
        helm_version: 3.0.2
        kube_context: kostis-demo@FirstKubernetes
          - 'buildID=${{CF_BUILD_ID}}'
          - 'image_pullPolicy=Always'
          - 'image_tag=master'
          - ''

You can see the source code in our example section.

Helm charts and repositories
Using managed Helm repositories
Helm Promotion boards