GitOps Quay integration

Integrate Quay with GitOps for image enrichment

Codefresh offers native support for integrating with Quay, enabling seamless pushing, pulling, and deploying of container images.

By adding a Quay integration in Codefresh, you can reference the integration account in external CI tools, such as GitHub Actions, using the integration name instead of managing explicit credentials. This simplifies security and enhances the ease of managing integrations in GitOps.

For general information on container registry integrations for GitOps, see Container registry GitOps integrations.


  1. Create a Redhat/Quay account at Quay.
  2. Optional. For Codefresh integration, create a robot account.

Quay-GitOps integration settings in Codefresh

Setting Description
Integration name A friendly name for the integration. This is the name you will reference in the third-party CI platform/tool.
All Runtimes/Selected Runtimes The runtimes in the account with which to share the integration resource.
The integration resource is created in the Git repository with the shared configuration, within resources. The exact location depends on whether the integration is shared with all or specific runtimes:
  • All runtimes: Created in resources/all-runtimes-all-clusters
  • Selected runtimes: Created in resources/runtimes//
You can reference the Docker Hub integration in the CI tool.
Domain Set to
Username The username.
Password The encrypted password, or robot account if you created one.

Quay Docker Registry integration settings in Codefresh

Quay Docker Registry integration settings in Codefresh

For how-to instructions, see Configure container registry integrations for GitOps in Codefresh and Edit/delete container registry integrations for GitOps in Codefresh.

Make sure you have the:

  • Quay domain username
  • Quay domain-encrypted password or that of the robot account

Shared Configuration Repository
Image enrichment with GitOps integrations
GitOps CI integrations
GitOps issue-tracking integrations