Docker image metadata

How to use custom metadata in your Docker images

Images built by Codefresh can be annotated with customized metadata. This article explains how to create advanced view of your images and enrich them with custom metadata which perfectly fits your flow and image management process.

Codefresh Docker registry metadata

We have since expanded this feature, and now you can add custom annotations to pipelines and builds as well. Notice also that the syntax shown in this page is deprecated but still supported. For the new syntax, see Hooks in pipelines.

Metadata types

Images built by Codefresh can be annotated with an array of key-value metadata. Metadata values may be of the following types:

Annotation type Guidelines Example
String Use string ‘Example note’
Number use numeric value to set this kind of annotation 9999
Boolean Use true / false value true
Percentage bar use 0-100 value ending with % 85%
Link use url ${{CF_COMMIT_URL}}

You can also use conditional expressions to set metadata.

Annotate your images using Codefresh YAML

You can annotate an image as part of its build process and also on post build steps.

Build step Image Metadata Annotation

You can annotate an image as part of its build process by declaring the metadata value on the build step:

  1. The metadata attribute
  2. The set operation
  3. An array of key-value metadata


  type: build
  metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
    set: # Specify the set operation
      - qa: pending
      - commit_message: ${{CF_COMMIT_MESSAGE}}
      - exit_code: 0
      - is_main: 
          evaluate: "'${{CF_BRANCH}}' == 'main'"

Adding annotations to Built images on post-build steps

Any step in the YAML workflow can annotate built images by using post-step operations. To annotate a built image, configure any step with:

  1. The post-step operation
  2. The metadata attribute
  3. The set operation
  4. A list of target images with the variable syntax of ${{build_step_name.imageId}}
  5. An array of key-value metadata


  type: build

  on_success: # Execute only once the step succeeded
    metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
      set: # Specify the set operation
        - ${{build_step.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
          - qa: pending
  on_fail: # Execute only once the step failed
    metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
      set: # Specify the set operation
        - ${{build_step.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
          - exit_code: 1

  on_finish: # Execute in any case
    metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
      set: # Specify the set operation
        - ${{build_step.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
          - is_main: 
              evaluate: "'${{CF_BRANCH}}' == 'main'"

Example - Quality Image Metadata Annotation

You can set a quality indicator to images to show if they passed or failed tests. An image with the boolean annotation CF_QUALITY set to true will have a quality indicator in the ‘Images’ view.


version: '1.0'
    type: build
    image_name: myrepo/imagename
    working_directory: ./
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: '${{build_step}}'
    working_directory: IMAGE_WORK_DIR
      - echo test
          - '${{build_step.imageId}}':
              - CF_QUALITY: true
          - '${{build_step.imageId}}':
              - CF_QUALITY: false

Image quality has 3 indicators:

  • True - this image is considered a quality image (ex. passed tests),
  • False - this image is not considered a quality image (ex. when tests failed but the image was already built).
  • No value (nobody set the annotation) - this image has no quality indicator.

Quality image annotation

Viewing Image Metadata Annotations

You can view an image’s metadata annotation by:

  1. Navigating to the Images view
  2. Selecting the target image
  3. Selecting the Annotations tab

Image annotations

Image annotations

In addition, you can add selected annotations to the images table on images page. To display an annotation in the image table, click on the gear icon at the top right corner of image page and then select all annotations you want to display.

Annotations in image table

Annotations in image table

Annotating images programmatically

It is also possible to annotate images with the Codefresh CLI.

First find the id of an image that you wish to annotate with the command

codefresh get images

You can also search for a specific image by name:

$ codefresh get images --image-name custom
ID           NAME                   TAG CREATED          SIZE     PULL
b5f103a87856 my-custom-docker-image bla Fri Feb 01 2019  91.01 MB

Then once you have the ID of the image you can use the annotate command to add extra metadata:

codefresh annotate image b5f103a87856 -l coverage=75

Using custom metadata in Codefresh pipelines

You can also use the Codefresh CLI to fetch existing metadata from images. It is then very easy to extract and process specific fields with yq.

Here is an example:

$ codefresh get image b5f103a87856 --output=yaml | yq -r .annotations.coverage

You can then easily process the metadata (e.g. with scripts) and take decisions according to them. Here is an example step that will fail the build if test coverage on an image is less than 80%


version: '1.0'
    title: Get image label for coverage
    image: codefresh/cli
      - export MY_COVERAGE=$(codefresh get image b5f103a87856 --output=yaml | yq -r .annotations.coverage)
      - echo "Coverage is $MY_COVERAGE"
      - if [[ $MY_COVERAGE -lt "80" ]]; then exit 1 ; fi

The possibilities are endless as you can take any combination of image metadata and use any complex conditional in order to process them in a Codefresh pipeline.

Docker registries for pipeline integrations
Accessing a Docker registry from your Kubernetes cluster