Push step

Pushing Docker images from your pipeline

If you use only the default Docker registry of your account this step is optional as all successful Codefresh pipelines automatically push the Docker image they create in the default Docker registry. No further configuration is needed to achieve this behavior.

Push a built image to a remote Docker registry with one or more tags. Supports standard Docker registries and ECR.

Notice that when you use any external registry, you need to comply to the naming pattern used by that registry, otherwise the build step will fail. For example, if your Codefresh image is tagged as foo_username/my_image but your Dockerhub account is bar_username then the build will fail and you need to customize the push step to use bar_username instead. This is a limitation of external registries such as Dockerhub.



  type: push
  title: Step Title
  description: Free text description
  candidate: ${{build_step_name}}
  tag: latest
  image_name: codefresh/app
  registry: my-registry
  fail_fast: false
  strict_fail_fast: true
        - /FB-/i


Field Description Required/Optional/Default
title The free-text display name of the step. Optional
description A basic, free-text description of the step. Optional
stage Parent group of this step. See using stages for more information. Optional
candidate The identifier of the image to push to the remote Docker registry. It can be an explicit identifier of an image to push, or a variable that references a Build step. Required
tag The tag under which to push the image. Use either this or tags.
The default is latest.
region Relevant only for Amazon ECR integrations using either service accounts or explicit credentials. The names of the regions for which to perform cross-region replication. The names of the source region and the destination region name must be defined in separate steps. Optional
role_arn Relevant only for Amazon ECR integrations using either service accounts or explicit credentials. The role with the required permissions to use to pull the image. For example, arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<role-name> Required
aws_session_name Relevant only for Amazon ECR integrations using either service accounts or explicit credentials. The name of the AWS session. If not defined, default-session-name is used. Default
aws_duration_seconds Relevant only for Amazon ECR integrations using either service accounts or explicit credentials. The length of time, in seconds, for which the role credentials are considered valid, and must be between 900-3600 seconds. If not defined, the duration is set to the default of 3600 seconds. Default
tags Multiple tags under which to push the image. Use either this or tag. This is an array, so should be of the following style:
- tag1
- tag2
- tag4
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2', '${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED_LOWER_CASE}}', 'tag4' ]
image_name The tagged image name that will be used The default value will be the same image name as of the candidate. Default
registry The registry logical name of one of the inserted registries from the integration view.
The default value will be your default registry if you have more than one.
registry_context Advanced property for resolving Docker images when working with multiple registries with the same domain Optional
timeout The maximum duration permitted to complete step execution in seconds (s), minutes (m), or hours (h), after which to automatically terminate step execution. For example, timeout: 1.5h.
The timeout supports integers and floating numbers, and can be set to a maximum of 2147483647ms (approximately 24.8 days).

If defined and set to either 0s/m/h or null, the timeout is ignored and step execution is not terminated.
See Add a timeout to terminate step execution.
fail_fast Determines pipeline execution behavior in case of step failure.
  • true: The default, terminates pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns `Failed to execute`.
  • false: Continues pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns Build completed successfully.
    To change the Build status, set strict_fail_fast to true.
strict_fail_fast Specifies how to report the Build status when fail_fast is set to false.
Requires Runner chart upgrade to v6.3.9 or higher.

You can set the Build status reporting behavior at the root-level or at the step-level for the pipeline.
  • true:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false and strict_fail_fast=true fails to execute.
  • false:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.

strict_fail_fast does not impact the Build status reported for parallel steps with fail_fast enabled. Even if a child step fails, the parallel step itself is considered successful. See also Handling error conditions in a pipeline.
when Define a set of conditions which need to be satisfied in order to execute this step.
You can find more information in the Conditional execution of steps article.
on_success, on_fail and on_finish Define operations to perform upon step completion using a set of predefined post-step operations. Optional
retry Define retry behavior as described in Retrying a step. Optional

Add a timeout to terminate step execution

To prevent steps from running beyond a specific duration if so required, you can add the timeout flag to the step.
When defined:

  • The timeout is activated at the beginning of the step, before the step pulls images.
  • When the step’s execution duration exceeds the duration defined for the timeout, the step is automatically terminated.

To define timeouts for parallel steps, see Adding timeouts for parallel steps.

Here’s an example of the timeout field in the step:


  type: push
  title: Step Title
  description: Free text description
  candidate: ${{build_step_name}}
  tag: latest
  image_name: codefresh/app
  registry: my-registry
  timeout: 45m
  fail_fast: false
        - /FB-/i

Timeout info in logs
Timeout information is displayed in the logs, as in the example below.

Step termination due to timeout in logs

Step termination due to timeout in logs


Push an image to a registry connected with the integration

Push an image to a registry connected with the integration integration name of myazureregistry.



version: '1.0'
- 'my build phase'
- 'my push phase'
    title: Building Docker Image
    stage: 'my build phase'
    type: build
    image_name: my-app-image
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    stage: 'my push phase'
    type: push
    title: Pushing to a registry
    candidate: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
    tag: ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}
    registry: myazureregistry 

Push an image as the name of the branch in the external registry

Push an image as the name of the branch in the external registry and also use a different image than the default. The same image will also by pushed as latest in the internal Codefresh registry (with the default name of my-app-image).



version: '1.0'
- 'my build phase'
- 'my push phase'
    title: Building Docker Image
    stage: 'my build phase'
    type: build
    image_name: my-app-image
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    tag: latest
    stage: 'my push phase'
    type: push
    title: Pushing to a registry
    candidate: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
    registry: myazureregistry
    image_name: my-user-name/a-different-image-name 

Push an image with multiple tags



version: '1.0'
- 'my build phase'
- 'my push phase'
    title: Building Docker Image
    stage: 'my build phase'
    type: build
    image_name: my-app-image
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    stage: 'my push phase'
    type: push
    title: Pushing to a registry
    candidate: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
    - latest
    - 2.0.0
    registry: myazureregistry 

Push an image with multiple tags to multiple Docker registries in parallel. Both registries are connected first as Docker registry integrations.



version: '1.0'
- 'my build phase'
- 'my push phase'
    title: Building Docker Image
    stage: 'my build phase'
    type: build
    image_name: my-app-image
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    type: parallel
    stage: 'push'
        type: push
        title: Pushing To Google Registry
        candidate: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
        - ${{CF_BUILD_ID}}
        - latest
        - production
        registry: gcr
        type: push
        title: Pushing To Dockerhub Registry
        candidate: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
        tag: '${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}'
        image_name: my-docker-hub-username/my-app-name
        registry: dockerhub 

Using passed credentials without pre-saving them

This option enables you to push your images without pre-saving the credentials in Codefresh’s registry integration view.

This method of pushing images is offered as a workaround. The suggested way is to use the central Codefresh integration for registries as explained in the previous section.


  type: push
  title: Step Title
  description: Free text description
  candidate: ${{build_step_name}}
  tags: [ latest, ${{CF_BRANCH}} ]
  image_name: codefresh/app
  registry: dtr.host.com
    username: subject
    password: credentials
  fail_fast: false
        - /FB-/i
Field Description Required/Optional/Default
title The free-text display name of the step. Optional
description A basic, free-text description of the step. Optional
provider The type of Docker registry provider. Can currently be either docker for a standard Docker registry, or ecr for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR). Optional
Default value: docker
candidate The identifier of the image to push to the remote Docker registry. It can be an explicit identifier of an image to push, or a variable that references a Build step. Required
tag The tag under which to push the image. Use either this or tags.
The default is latest.
tags Multiple tags under which to push the image. Use either this or ‘tag’.
This is an array, so should be of the following style:
- tag1
- tag2
- tag4
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2', '${{CF_BRANCH_TAG_NORMALIZED}}', 'tag4' ]
image_name The tagged image name that will be used. The default value will be the same image name as of the candidate. Default
registry The host address where the registry is located. The default is the registry configured in your Codefresh account, or Dockerhub. Default
Ignored when provider is ecr
credentials Credentials to access the registry if it requires authentication. It can be a has object containing username and password fields. The default is the credentials configured in your Codefresh account. Optional
Ignored when provider is ecr
accessKeyId Your AWS access key. Optional
Ignored when provider is docker
secretAccessKey Your AWS secret access key. Optional
Ignored when provider is docker
region The region where the ECR registry is accessible. Optional
Ignored when provider is docker
fail_fast If a step fails, and the process is halted. The default value is true. Default
when Define a set of conditions which need to be satisfied in order to execute this step.
You can find more information in Conditional Execution of Steps.
on_success, on_fail and on_finish Define operations to perform upon step completion using a set of predefined post-step operations. Optional

Exported resources

  • Image ID.

Docker registry integrations
Custom Image annotations
Steps in pipelines