Docsite changes

Unified documentation for Codefresh Pipelines and GitOps

The doc site includes documentation for both Codefresh Pipelines and Codefresh GitOps powered by Argo CD.
We have merged and moved content to accommodate both modules.


  • Quick Starts We have created different quick starts for Codefresh pipelines and GitOps to get you up and running with both.

  • Pipelines
    • Documentation from Configure CD/CD Pipelines and Codefresh YAML has been merged into Pipelines.
    • Documentation for pipeline integrations are now in Pipeline Integrations.
  • Kubernetes and Helm deployments
    Documentation is now in Deployments > Kubernetes, and Deployments > Helm, respectively.

  • Changelog and What’s New
    • The Changelog includes changes to Codefresh pipeline documentation.
    • The What’s New includes changes to GitOps documentation. We plan to merge both into a single What’s New article. Stay tuned for the announcement.

If you come across broken links or other issues in the documentation, please contact us. We want our documentation to help you, and look forward to your feedback as always to improve it.