
Deploying to Kubernetes from a Codefresh pipeline

The Deploy step can be used as a step to deploy a pre-built Docker image to a cluster

This step allows to (re)deploy a Kubernetes application in your cluster

It has two modes:

  1. Using the service option. In this case it will redeploy to an existing service/deployment in your cluster . Codefresh will automatically update the service/deployment with the new docker image.
  2. Using the file_path option. In this case you provide your own Kubernetes manifest and Codefresh deploys it as-is. It is your own responsibility to do custom replacements here (for example using awk, sed or yq). The deploy step also uses the Codefresh templating mechanism behind the scenes if you want to take advantage of it. For a full templating solution we also suggest you look at Helm.

You need to define either one of these fields in the deploy step. If you define service you also can select the exact Docker image with the candidate field (otherwise Codefresh will just reuse the docker image defined in the existing deployment)



    title: deploying to cluster
    type: deploy
    kind: kubernetes 
    ## cluster name as the shown in account's integration page
    cluster:  --my-cluster-name--
    # desired namespace
    namespace: default
    ## Two ways to distinguish which deployment YAML to deploy - service or file_path:    
    # The Kubernetes service that associated with the deployment using selector
    service: --my-service--
    # Path to deployment.yml location inside the image volume
    file_path: ./deployment.yml
    # In seconds, how long the step will wait until the rolling update is complete (default is 120)
    timeout: '150'
    # Candidate is optional, if not specified will redeploy the same image that specified in the deployment file
    # When candidate exists it should have both: image and registry
      # The image that will replace the original deployment image 
      # The image that been build using Build step
      image: ${{build_step}}
      # The registry that the user's Kubernetes cluster can pull the image from
      # Codefresh will generate (if not found) secret and add it to the deployment so the Kubernetes master can pull it
      registry: dockerhub
    # Condition to run the step
          - master


Field Description Required/Optional/Default
title The free-text display name of the step Optional
description A basic, free-text description of the step. Optional
stage Parent group of this step. See using stages for more information. Optional
kind Currently only kubernetes is supported Required
cluster Name of your K8s cluster as found in the dashboard Required
namespace Namespace where the deployment will take place Required
service Name of the existing service that will updated. You need to provide service OR file_path Required/Optional
file_path A deployment manifest. You need to provide service OR file_path Required/Optional
timeout Seconds to wait for the deployment to be completed. Default is 120 seconds Default
candidate Docker image that will be deployed. Only valid if service is defined. Should contain image and name of registry as it appears in the registry integration page. Optional
fail_fast Determines pipeline execution behavior in case of step failure.
  • true: The default, terminates pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns `Failed to execute`.
  • false: Continues pipeline execution upon step failure. The Build status returns Build completed successfully.
    To change the Build status, set strict_fail_fast to true.
strict_fail_fast Specifies how to report the Build status when fail_fast is set to false.
Requires Runner chart upgrade to v6.3.9 or higher.

You can set the Build status reporting behavior at the root-level or at the step-level for the pipeline.
  • true:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of failed when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false and strict_fail_fast=true fails to execute.
  • false:
    • When set at the root-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.
    • When set at the step-level, returns a Build status of successful when any step in the pipeline with fail_fast=false fails to execute.

strict_fail_fast does not impact the Build status reported for parallel steps with fail_fast enabled. Even if a child step fails, the parallel step itself is considered successful. See also Handling error conditions in a pipeline.
when Define a set of conditions which need to be satisfied in order to execute this step.
You can find more information in the conditional execution of steps article.
on_success, on_fail and on_finish Define operations to perform upon step completion using a set of predefined post-step operations. Optional
retry Define retry behavior as described in retrying a step. Optional


Update existing service using the same Docker image (tagged with branch)



version: '1.0'
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: python-flask-sample-app
    working_directory: ./
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    title: deploying to cluster
    type: deploy
    kind: kubernetes 
    cluster:  myDemoAKSCluster
    namespace: demo
    service: my-python-app

Update existing service using a different Docker image (tagged with git hash)



version: '1.0'
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: python-flask-sample-app
    working_directory: ./
    tag: ${{CF_SHORT_REVISION}}
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    title: deploying to cluster
    type: deploy
    kind: kubernetes 
    cluster:  myDemoAKSCluster
    namespace: demo
    service: my-python-app
      # The image that will replace the original deployment image 
      # The image that been build using Build step
      image: ${{MyAppDockerImage}}
      # The registry that the user's Kubernetes cluster can pull the image from
      # Codefresh will generate (if not found) secret and add it to the deployment so the Kubernetes master can pull it
      registry: cfcr

Deploy a custom Kuberentes Manifest as is

In this case, only a deployment is created.



version: '1.0'
    title: Building Docker Image
    type: build
    image_name: python-flask-sample-app
    working_directory: ./
    tag: ${{CF_BRANCH}}
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    title: deploying to cluster
    type: deploy
    kind: kubernetes 
    cluster:  myDemoAKSCluster
    namespace: demo
    file_path: ./deploy/deployment.yml

Advanced Kubernetes deployments

If you find the deploy step limited, feel free to look at the other deployment options offered by Codefresh:

Kubernetes deployment quick start
Manage Kubernetes clusters
Using Helm in Codefresh pipelines