Failed to tag image

Failed to update your image with promote event, could not tag image


Push step in your pipeline fails with the following error:

[SYSTEM] Error: Failed to push image; caused by Error: Failed to update your image with promote event; caused by Error: NotFoundError: could not tag image 

Possible cause

This issue occurs because of a race condition when multiple builds try to push the same image at the same time to a Docker registry.
For a pipeline, if two builds are triggered at the same time for the same commit, one of them will pass and the other will fail.


Review the trigger setup according to the pipeline logic, and verify that is triggered only once when an event happens.

It is not possible to push the same image at the same time to the same registry. Your pipeline configuration has probably multiple triggers (such as a commit and tag) that trigger the pipeline twice.

Troubleshooting common issues