You have reached your memory usage limit


You are seeing the error “You have reached your memory usage limit” at the top of your build.


Your build has exceeded the limit of memory available to your account.

  • Note that the memory is not only the tasks you are running, but what is associated with the images you are running as well.
  • If running a parallel step, this can increase significantly.
    • If the error occurs at a parallel step, consider splitting it into sequential steps instead.
  • If you are using particularly large Docker images, consider changing to smaller images.
  • Consider upgrading to a runtime with higher memory limits.

Notes For builds on your own runner runtime, you can customize the memory limit per pipeline under Settings -> Runtime. On our SaaS offering, the standard limits are as follows:

  • Small: 1 GB RAM
  • Medium: 4 GB RAM
  • Large: 8 GB RAM

Custom plans are available upon request.

Plans and pricing