Runtime Not Active


  • “Runtime was not active for more than an hour” runTimeInactive.png
  • Upgrade of a runtime still shows the old version in the UI


  • GitHub Personal Access Token configured in autopilot-secret had expired

Update the value in the git token

export GIT_TOKEN=*new_GIT_TOKEN*

Create a patch file to patch the secret

cat << EOF > patch_file.json  
"op" : "replace" ,  
"path" : "/data/git_token" ,  
"value" : $( echo -n $GIT_TOKEN | base64)   

Update the secret with the new git token value, update ‘-n codefresh’ with the name of your runtime.

If you use kubectl 1.20.20 and above:

kubectl patch secret autopilot-secret -n codefresh --type='json' --patch-file patch_file.json

For older kubectl versions:

kubectl patch secret autopilot-secret -n codefresh --type='json' -p "$(cat patch_file.json)"

Cycle the ‘events-reporter-eventsource-‘ pod

kubectl delete pod -n codefresh -l eventsource-name=events-reporter