Hangs on restoring data from pre-existing image


Restoring data from pre-existing image step seems to hang when starting new build for pipeline.

Possible cause

This issue might occur when your volume size is large.

Codefresh has the unique capability of working on a single file system between different builds, by provisioning a volume per pipeline and restoring it upon starting a new build.

If the first step seems to hang for a significant amount of time when restoring the data, this might suggest that your volume size is very big.

First build step hangs when starting new build - example

First build step hangs when starting new build - example


Delete that volume and start from scratch.

  • In the build wizard pop-up, from Advanced Options, select Reset pipeline volume.

Reset volume for pipeline build

Reset volume for pipeline build

Reseting the pipeline volume may cause your build to take longer than usual.

Troubleshooting common issues