Product YAML

YAML specifications for the product defining its promotion and flow settings

Codefresh provides two options for defining manifests for promotion entities: Form mode and YAML mode.

If you prefer working with YAML, create the manifest for the product settings using the example Product YAML below, and the table with field descriptions.

Once configured and committed, the settings are saved as a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) within the Shared Configuration Repository in the GitOps Runtime specified as the Configuration Runtime.

Product YAML example

Here’s an example of the Product YAML. The table that follows describes the fields in the Product YAML.

kind: Product
  name: helm-guestbook #name of product
  promotionTemplateRef: gs-promotion-template  #reference to predefined promotion template; optional if using inline template
  promotionTemplate:  # custom inline promotion template; optional if using predefined promotion template
      file: version.yaml  
      jsonPath: $.appVersionInline
          - $.appVersion
          - $.version
          - $.dependencies
          - $.appVersionInline
          - $..image
          - "$.dependencies"
  promotionFlows:  # orchestration flow to promote product across environments; first flow that matches gitTriggerSelectors is selected
    - name: to-prod
        - key: commitMessage
          operator: In
            - "*deploy*"
    - name: demo
        - key: gitRevision
          operator: In
            - "hotfix"

Product YAMl field descriptions

Field Description Type Required/Optional The name of the product resource, which must conform to the naming conventions for Kubernetes resources.
The name unifies all the applications connected to this product and is displayed in the Products dashboard.
For example, helm-guestbook.
string Required
spec.promotionTemplateRef The predefined Promotion Template according to which the properties in the product’s applications are selected to be promoted across environments.
Required if spec.promotionTemplate is not defined.
When a predefined Promotion Template is defined, both the version of the release, and the specific files and attributes to be promoted across environments are taken from the Promotion Template.
string Optional
spec.promotionTemplate The custom inline Promotion Template according to which the properties in the product’s applications are selected to be promoted across environments.
Required if spec.promotionTemplateRef is not defined.
string Optional
spec.promotionTemplate.versionSource The location of the file and the attribute from which to extract the product’s application release version. This is the version displayed in the Products and Environments dashboards.   Optional
spec.promotionTemplate.versionSource.file The file path relative to the application’s file path from which to extract the application’s release version. For example, chart.yaml indicates that the release version should be extracted from this file. string Required
spec.promotionTemplate.versionSource.jsonPath The JSON path expression pointing to the location of the attribute containing the application version within the specified file.
For example, $.appVersion indicates the value should be extracted from the field appVersion in chart.yaml.
string Required
spec.promotion The top-level element defining the specific changes to be promoted to the target environment, through a single or a list of <filename>:jsonPaths.
jsonPaths can define the path to single or multiple attributes within the same file.
When omitted, all changes in all applications connected to the Product are promoted.
Extract name attribute from chart.yaml at JSON path: $.name
Extract all properties of the dependencies object from chart.yaml at JSON path: $..dependencies.*
Extract the repository property from the image object in values.yaml at JSON path: $..image.repository
array Optional
spec.promotion.filename The file path relative to the application’s file path from which to select properties to promote. string Optional
spec.promotion.jsonPath The JSON path expression pointing to the location of the attribute with the value to be promoted within the specified filename.
For example, $.appVersion indicates the value should be extracted from the field appVersion in chart.yaml.
string Optional
spec.promotionFlows The top-level element defining one or more Promotion Flows to orchestrate the product’s promotion from the trigger environment, across all target environments and up to the final target environment.
When there is more than one Promotion Flow, the first one in the list that matches the gitTriggerSelector is executed.
- Optional The name of the Promotion Flow to execute. string Required
spec.promotionFlows.gitTriggerSelectors The criteria or conditions to trigger the Promotion Flow, evaluated according to the payload from the application’s Git repository.
You can have more than one gitTriggerSelector for the same Promotion Flow. In such cases, the conditions are matched according to the key, operator, and values fields.
With commit message
key: commitMessage operator: In values: - "*deploy*" - "*release*"
This selector checks if the commitMessage includes either “deploy” or “release” using wildcards for partial matches.
With Git revision (commit hash) message
key: gitRevision operator: NotIn values: - "a1b2c3d4" - "e5f6g7h8"
This selector checks if the gitRevision matches exactly either “a1b2c3d4” or “e5f6g7h8”.
string Required
spec.promotionFlows.gitTriggerSelectors.key The specific attribute from the Git payload to evaluate, and can be one of the following:
  • commitMessage: Trigger the Promotion Flow based on the text description associated with the commit message. The commit message is matched against the values provided.
  • gitRevision: Trigger the Promotion Flow based on the commit hash generated by Git as a unique identifier for the commit. The commit hash is matched against the values provided.
string Required
spec.promotionFlows.gitTriggerSelectors.operator The operator to apply when matching the gitTriggerSelectors.key, and can be one of the following:
  • In: Checks if the commit message or Git revision includes the specified value or any value within a set of values. The In operator matches values by exact match, or by partial match when asterisks are used as wildcards.
  • NotIn: Checks if the commit message or Git revision does not include the specified value or any value within a set of values. Useful for excluding resources that match any value within a predefined list.
    The NotIn operator matches values by exact match, or by partial match when asterisks are used as wildcards.
string Required
spec.promotionFlows.gitTriggerSelectors.values Single or list of comma-separated values used to match or exclude Promotion Flows based on criteria defined by gitTriggerSelectors.operator. The values can be strings, numbers, or other data types depending on the context. array Required

Promotion Policy YAML
Promotion Template YAML
Promotion Flow YAML