Providing service through COVID-19 outbreak

Providing service through COVID-19 outbreak

1 min read

To the Codefresh community,

I’m writing to assure you that we will continue to provide service and support through this unprecedented epidemic. Codefresh teams are distributed on four continents with many already working remotely. We’ve taken the additional precaution of closing our offices and ensuring all employees have secure access from their homes.

Customer Service

We have a globally distributed Support and Success team that functions remotely in full capacity. Our main priority this year has been to optimize our response times and service quality for you. We expect that these teams will be able to function as expected with these priorities. If that situation changes, we will of course update you.

Here are some resources you can use to get product support.


Codefresh services are distributed across multiple-clouds and availability zones. We’re taking additional precautions to ensure uptime and the highest level of service.

During these uncertain times, you can be certain we will do everything to keep your code flowing smoothly. Hopefully the precautions we and all of you are taking will get us back to normal soon.

Take care,
Raziel Tabib
CEO, Codefresh

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