eBooks & Reports

Software Deployment with Kubernetes - Codefresh

eBook: Software Deployment with Kubernetes

Master Kubernetes for Seamless Software Deployment! Ready to step up your software deployment process? Our latest eBook, "Software Deployment with Kubernetes," is your ticket to becoming a Kubernetes pro and…

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Codefresh CICD Best Practices eBook 2nd Edition

Enterprise CI/CD Best Practices: 2nd Edition

Welcome to the next level of CI/CD excellence! Our newly minted eBook, "Enterprise CI/CD Best Practices: 2nd Edition", is a comprehensive guide that goes beyond the basics to help you…

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Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes

Get expert guidance from leading software delivery experts. In this eBook, you will learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that teams typically encounter while going deep into the best…

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Lessons Learned from Argo CD Users: The 2022 Survey Report

A survey conducted by the Argo project shows conclusively that Argo CD and Rollouts are the go-to tools for GitOps. Almost 100 respondents ranging from software engineers to CTOs say…

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DevOps Automation, GitOps, and Kubernetes: The State of Play 2021 v1.0

Kubernetes is now mainstream, and GitOps practices are key to success. Those are the key findings of this important research conducted by Codefresh and GigaOM. The report not only details…

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Implement GitOps at Scale with Argo CD

A completely automated continuous deployment pipeline is achievable in your Kubernetes environment today. We partnered with Argo CD maintainers to bring you this technical deep dive on how to use…

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Kubernetes Anti-Patterns

This FREE Guide will help you solve the most common Kubernetes mistakes. In this guide, you'll learn some of the most common bad practices and anti-patterns that companies make in…

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Helm Best Practices Guide

This FREE DevOps Guide will help you discover: Helm concepts (learn all the basics), Common Helm misconceptions (don't fall into these pitfalls), Helm pipelines (see basic and advanced pipelines and…

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Jenkins Migration Guide

This FREE guide will teach you how to... Call Codefresh pipelines from Jenkins Jobs (and vice versa), Migrate from Jenkins to Codefresh including freestyle jobs, pipelines, shared libraries, and credentials,…

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13 Key Features Every Modern CI/CD Tool Should Contain

This FREE Guide will help you discover the most important features any CI/CD tool should have. Technology moves fast. If your current CI/CD is not up to speed, set yourself…

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The Pain of Infrequent Deployments

In this FREE guide you will learn... If your release cycle is causing your team unnecessary stress and limiting their productivity, Why you may rely too much on your operator/systems…

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GitOps 2.0: The Future of DevOps

This FREE Guide will help you solve the most common problems with GitOps. In this guide, we will describe several gaps and issues in current GitOps tools, and the biggest…

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