Migrating from Snap CI to to Codefresh

Migrating from Snap CI to to Codefresh

1 min read

A lot of people are looking for alternatives to Snap CI after they announced they’d be shutting down.

Why Codefresh is a great alternative to Snap CI

Just like Snap CI, Codefresh uses parallelization to build several microservices at once. Codefresh is actually faster because of how caching is handled from build to build (you have to be on a Pro account to get the full benefits of this). Codefresh supports

Check Native Docker Support

Check Speedy builds with parallelization

Check Build caching

Check Unit, Integration, and User acceptance testing for microservices

Check Tons of testing and deployment integrations

Check Commit triggered workflows from repos and branches

Check Github and Bitbucket native integration

Check An expensive API and webhooks for extensibility

Check Build control from a web ui or yml  file

The migration process

As long as you already have a Docker file or a Docker Compose already configured it should be relatively straight forward. Check out the documentation.

Most of the unit and integration tests can be copied over. If you have repos with Selenium, or other testing suites they can be added as separate services and added to the composition.

Codefresh offers free 1on1 on boarding sessions to help SnapCI customers migrate their testing

In addition the straight forward self-serve option, we actually offer free 1on1 onboarding sessions. When you sign up, a message will popup asking you if you’d like to create a slack channel or get help. Just respond and you’re on your way.

Good luck!

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