Get your first app up and running on Kubernetes with Codefresh and Google Container Engine

Get your first app up and running on Kubernetes with Codefresh and Google Container Engine

1 min read

Kubernetes is the hottest container orchestrator and we’ve seen an influx of Codefresh users asking for better tooling to help them get up and running. We teamed up with Google Cloud to build an integration to make getting your app deployed on Kubernetes easier than ever before. Google Container Engine makes it easy to create and maintain a cluster while Codefresh makes it easy to get your code deployed there (and to automate the process). Google was even nice enough to come through with up to $500 in Google Cloud Credits when you get started with Codefresh!

How it works

Step 1: Create cluster On Google Cloud

From Google Cloud Console, Navigate to Container Engine and click ‘Create a container cluster’.

Step 2: Connect Codefresh to Google Cloud Platform

Login to Codefresh (it’s free), go to Admin->Integrations and login with Google.

Step 3: Add a cluster

Once you’ve added a cluster, it’s available in automated pipelines and manual image deployments.

Step 4: Start deploying!

Set ports, replicas, expose services, or just let the defaults be your guide.

Signup and Get started.

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  • safer deployments
  • More frequent deployments
  • resilient deployments