Codefresh brings Docker Pipelines to Gitlab!

Codefresh brings Docker Pipelines to Gitlab!

2 min read

Today, we’re excited to announce Codefresh will officially support Gitlab (cloud and on prem). To try it, simply signup using your Gitlab login and start adding repositories to create your first Docker Pipelines.

We’ve had many, many requests from Docker users to support Gitlab and provide users with Docker CI/CD, Image Management, and on-demand Staging Environments. Through Codefresh’s Docker-native architecture, Gitlab users now have access to the fastest Docker builds possible which we’ve found can drastically speed up the development process of our users.

Docker CI for Gitlab

Setting up your first Docker pipeline with Codefresh takes just a few minutes. Within Codefresh, application compositions are first-class citizens that are available in the build, test, and deploy parts of the pipeline. Since the application is described inside of Codefresh using either Docker-compose or Codefresh.yml, it’s possible to spin up on-demand staging environments for any commit, pull request, or branch.

Using Docker with Gitlab

Using Docker with Gitlab is now easier than ever. By logging in with Gitlab and adding a repository, Codefresh will automatically start building on every commit. If your repo has a Dockerfile, or a docker-compose.yml, no special configuration should be needed. Continue to manage commits, pull-requests, etc inside of Gitlab, and Codefresh will handle the build, test, spin-up, and deploy pipeline.

Sign up with GitLab to:

  • Automate builds for every commit/branch
  • Tag build images with commit SHAs
  • Access on-demand staging environments for any commit
  • Create powerful Docker pipelines

To sign up for Codefresh with your GitLab account, click here.

Not a GitLab cloud user? No problem- we also support Gitlab on prem, as well as GitHub and BitBucket.

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