Multi-cloud CI/CD with failover powered by Kubernetes, Istio, Helm, and Codefresh


Multi-cloud Kubernetes is all about mitigating risk between hosting providers. In this webinar, we show you how to leverage Kubernetes as our universal cloud API, standup clusters in Google, Amazon, and Azure, setup multi-deploy so our application is in several locations, and demonstrate failover should one cloud fail.

We’ll stand up and manage our clusters, then use Istio, Helm, and Codefreshto do a multi-cloud Canary rollout to each cloud.

In this webinar you’ll see:

– Continuous Delivery to multiple Kubernetes providers
– Cluster creation on multiple clouds from a single interface
– How to create failover rules
– A practical guide on how to set it up for yourself


Dan Garfield
Chief Evangelist, Codefresh