Updating Kubernetes With Helm Charts: Build, Test, Deploy with Codefresh and Azure

Updating Kubernetes With Helm Charts: Build, Test, Deploy with Codefresh and Azure

1 min read

Creating and using custom Helm charts for internal consumption is incredibly powerful.

In this edition of Codefresh Live, join Steve Lasker from Microsoft Azure and Josh Dolitsky & Dan Garfield from Codefresh as they go through best practices for creating, testing, and deploying Helm Charts.

They mix custom and community charts into their application and show best practices for promoting charts into ACR Chart Repositories. You’ll be surprised just how effective Helm Charts can be in a streamlined DevOps workflow!


Josh shows a live demos in the presentation. You can replicate “Rainbow Kitten Suprise” for yourself! See the GitHub Repo here: github.com/codefresh-io/azure-helm-webinar

Also, find instructions on how to use Azure Container Registry as a Helm repository for your application charts here.

Lastly, here is a copy of the slide deck:

FInd all of our upcoming webinars at codefresh.io/events.

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