Make Go Builds Fast with Versioned Go Modules, JFrog, and Codefresh

Make Go Builds Fast with Versioned Go Modules, JFrog, and Codefresh

1 min read

We all love Go binaries for their sleek, lightweight profile but sometimes the builds can be terribly slow and hard to reproduce. Watch our webinar to learn how versioned go modules can make those builds lightning quick and hassle-free.

We demo a workflow you can copy and paste to build your project complete with artifact management into Artifactory, and a pipeline built in Codefresh.

JFrog’s Craig Peters will show how to update your go projects to take advantage of private go module repositories and dependency resolution. And Dan Garfield will highlight the way Codefresh optimizes builds with caching, persistent volumes, and more to build, test, and deploy with lightning speed.

Watch the Webinar

See the GitHub Repo here

You can also view the slide deck below:

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