Selenium Testing your Kubernetes apps with Machine Learning and Testim

Selenium Testing your Kubernetes apps with Machine Learning and Testim

3 min read

This week we welcomed the Founder of Testim, Oren Rubin to talk about how machine learning, Kubernetes pipelines, and Testim can make test creation painless and easy to accomplish.

There are two big hurdles to solve when adding UI testing to your software delivery pipeline:

1) How to stand up an environment and
2) How to create tests that scale

In this webinar,  Oren and Kubernaut Dan Garfield show you the benefits & challenges of UI/E2E Testing, and how to do it better with Machine Learning. There is a great demo, and live Q&A.

Don’t worry if you missed it, we recorded it for you here:

Watch the Webinar

Have questions? Schedule a 1:1 with us by clicking here

You can also view the slide deck below:

The YAML – Simple version

This is all the YAML needed to run Testim in a Codefresh pipeline.

title: Use Testim to do AI UI Tests
image: testim/docker-cli
  - token=${{TESTIM_TOKEN}}
  - project=${{TESTIM_PROJECT}}
  - label=sanity
  - port=4444
  - base-url=${{APP_URL}}
  - testim --token "${token}" --project "${project}" --host "${host}" --port "${port}" --label "${label}" --report-file ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testim-results.xml

The YAML – Parsing Output

To parse the test results from Testim and append the info onto our images takes a few more steps. Here’s the YAML. This longer version will add the nice test results metadata to our image.

    title: Use Testim to do AI UI Tests
    image: testim/docker-cli
      - token=${{TESTIM_TOKEN}}
      - project=${{TESTIM_PROJECT}}
      - label=sanity
      - port=4444
      - base-url=${{APP_URL}}
      - testim --token "${token}" --project "${project}" --host "${host}" --port "${port}" --label "${label}" --report-file ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testim-results.xml | tee ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testims
      - cat ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testims | grep "Batch execution" | grep -Eo '[a-zA-Z0-9]{10,}' > ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/batchid
      - url=`cat ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/batchid`
      - echo "${{TESTIM_PROJECT}}/runs/suites/$url"
      - tests=`cat ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testim-results.xml | grep -Eo 'tests="[0-9]{1,}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,}'`
      - testsfailed=`cat ${{CF_VOLUME_PATH}}/testim-results.xml | grep -Eo 'failure="[0-9]{1,}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,}'`
      - cf_export URL=$url 
      - cf_export TESTS=$tests 
      - cf_export TESTSFAILED=$testsfailed
    on_success: # Execute only once the step succeeded
      metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
        set: # Specify the set operation
          - ${{BuildingTestDockerImage.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
            - UI: true 
      metadata: # Declare the metadata attribute
        set: # Specify the set operation
          - ${{BuildingTestDockerImage.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
            - UI: false
  CalulcateTests: #This step will pull in bc so we can do some division to find out the percentage of tests passed.
    title: Caculate Test Passed
    image: frolvlad/alpine-bash
      - SUCCESSRATE=`echo "scale=2; (${TESTS} / (${TESTS}-${TESTSFAILED}))*100" | bc`
      - echo $SUCCESSRATE
  CollectTestResults: #This step will take all the variables we gathered and add them to our image. 
    title: Capture Results
    image: codefresh/cli
      - codefresh --help
      - echo ${SUCCESSRATE}
          - ${{BuildingTestDockerImage.imageId}}: # Select any number of target images
            - Testim: "${{TESTIM_PROJECT}}/runs/suites/${{URL}}"
            - UI_Success: "${{SUCCESSRATE}}%"

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