Using Docker from Maven and Maven from Docker

Using Docker from Maven and Maven from Docker

16 min read

Update: July 5
After publishing this post we got an extensive response from Roland Huss maintainer of the fabric8 plugin, both as a comment here and at his blog
We updated the article to address some of his concerns, and also responded in the comments.

Even though containers have changed the way an application is packaged and deployed to the cloud, they don’t always make things easier for local development. Especially for Java developers (where standardized packaging formats were already present in the form or WAR and EAR files), Docker seems to be at first glance another level of abstraction that makes local development a bit more difficult.

It is true that several Docker advantages are not that impressive to Java developers, but that does not mean that developing Java applications with Docker is necessarily a complex process. In fact, using Docker in a Java application can be very transparent, as the Docker packaging step can be easily added as an extra step in the build process.

In this article, we will see how Docker can easily work with Maven (the de-facto build system for Java applications). As with most other technologies before Docker, Maven can be easily extended with custom plugins that inject the build lifecycle with extra functionality.

We will explore two Maven plugins for Docker:

  1. The new version of the Spotify Docker plugin
  2. The fabric8 Docker plugin

At the time of writing these are the two major Docker plugins that still see active development. There are several other Maven docker plugins that are now abandoned. Also, note that the old version of the Spotify plugin is now deprecated and here we are focusing on the new one.

Should you use a Maven plugin for Docker?

This question might seem strange given the title of the article, but it makes perfect sense if you have followed Docker from its early days. Docker is one of the fastest moving technologies at the moment and in the past, there were several occasions where new Docker versions were not compatible with the old ones. When you select a Maven plugin for Docker, you essentially trust the plugin developers that they will continuously update it, as new Docker versions appear.

There have been cases in the past where Docker has broken compatibility even between its own client and server, so a Maven plugin that uses the same API will instantly break as well. In less extreme cases, Docker has presented new features that will not automatically transfer to your favorite Maven plugin. You need to decide if this delay is important to you or not.

For this reason, it is crucial to understand how each Maven plugin actually communicates with the Docker environment and all the points where breakage can occur.

I have seen at least two companies that instead of using a dedicated Docker plugin, are just calling the native Docker executable via the maven exec plugin. This means that the Docker version that is injected in the Maven lifecycle is always the same as the Docker daemon that will actually run the image. This solution is not very elegant but it is more resistant to API breakage and guarantees the latest Docker version for the Maven build process.

The example application

As a running example, we will be using an old school Java application found at It is old school because it is a simple WAR file (no DB needed) that requires Tomcat to run. Also, the Dockerfile expects the WAR file to be created externally (we will talk about multi-stage builds later in this article). Here is the respective Dockerfile found at the root of the project:

FROM tomcat:9.0-jre8-alpine

COPY target/wizard*.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/wizard.war

The war file is created during the package phase of the Maven build process. The source code contains unit tests as well as integration tests that connect to localhost:8080 and just verify that that tomcat is up and running and that it has deployed the correct application context.

The unit tests are executed during the test phase while the integration tests are using the failsafe plugin and thus run at the integration-test phase (or verify).

If you are not familiar with the Maven lifecycle, consult the documentation to see all the available phases.

The Spotify Maven Docker plugin

The Docker plugin from Spotify is the embodiment of simplicity. It actually supports only two operations: building a Docker image and pushing a Docker image to the Registry.

The plugin is not calling Docker directly but instead acts as a wrapper around Docker-client ( ) also developed by Spotify.

This means that the plugin can only use Docker features that are offered by the docker-client library and if at any point this library breaks because an incompatible Docker version appeared, the plugin will also break.

Using the plugin is straightforward. You include it in your pom.xml file in the build section as you would expect.



There are 3 things defined here:

  • The name of the Docker image that will be created (also includes the registry URL)
  • The tag of the Docker image. Here it is the same at the Maven project version. So your Docker images will be named with the same version as the WAR file
  • A binding of the plugin to the Maven build lifecycle. Here I have left the default values so the plugin will automatically kick-in after the package phase and thus the Dockerfile will detect the already created WAR file.

Now you can simply run “mvn package” and watch the Docker image get created:

[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [wizard] in [/home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/01-using-spotify-plugin/target/wizard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [/home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/01-using-spotify-plugin/src/main/webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [161 msecs]
[INFO] Building war: /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/01-using-spotify-plugin/target/wizard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
[INFO] --- dockerfile-maven-plugin:1.4.3:build (default) @ wizard ---
[INFO] Building Docker context /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/01-using-spotify-plugin
[... redacted for brevity…]
[INFO] Detected build of image with id 8deea9aaed5f
[INFO] Building jar: /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/01-using-spotify-plugin/target/wizard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-docker-info.jar
[INFO] Successfully built
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

We can verify that the image was created:

$ docker image list
REPOSITORY                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
kkapelon/docker-maven-comparison           0.0.1-SNAPSHOT      e7efa33b669f        2 seconds ago       119 MB

We can test the image by launching the container

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 kkapelon/docker-maven-comparison:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

The Spotify plugin also includes the capability to push a Docker image to a Registry. It supports various authentication methods that allow you to use DockerHub or another external registry that requires credentials. The Docker push step can easily be bound to the Maven deploy phase so that the end of a Maven build also results in uploading a Docker image.

I am not going to show this capability, however, as pushing Docker images from a developer workstation is not recommended. Only a CI server should push Docker images in a well-behaved manner (i.e. when tests are passing). Pushing Docker images from a developer workstation is even more dangerous if the changes are not committed first.

Finally, the Spotify Docker plugin can be executed using its individual goals, if for some reason you don’t want to bind it to the Maven lifecycle. These are

  • dockerfile:build
  • dockerfile:push
  • dockerfile:tag

This concludes the capabilities of the Spotify Maven plugin. It is as simple as it gets focusing only on creating Docker images.

Remember however that our sample application also includes integration tests. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could also launch the Docker image as part of the Maven lifecycle and run the integration tests against the resulting container?

This is where the next plugin finds its place…

The Fabric8 Maven Docker plugin

As we saw in the previous section, the Spotify Maven plugin is a very spartan solution that focuses on building Docker images and nothing else. The Maven plugin from Fabric8 takes instead the “kitchen-sink “ approach. It supports both building and starting/stopping Docker containers among several other features such as Docker volumes, log viewing, docker machine support etc.

It even supports the creation of Docker images without a Dockerfile (!!!) as we will see later on.

This plugin communicates directly with the Docker daemon in an effort to make it as robust as possible and minimize its dependencies.

At first glance, the fabric8 plugin seems very opinionated. As a starting point, you can create Docker images with it without actually having a Dockerfile! Instead, the plugin allows you to describe your image in an XML format that will be then converted to a Dockerfile on the fly. Here is an example straight out of the documentation.





As you can see there are all the familiar Docker directives such as FROM, VOLUME, ENTRYPOINT etc.

I admit I don’t like this approach and did not explore it further. Dockerfiles are well understood and documented even outside the Java world, while describing a Docker in this XML format is something specific to this plugin, and goes against the platform independence of Docker.

Hopefully, the fabric8 plugin also supports plain Dockerfiles. Even there, however, it has some strong opinions. (Update:See comments on this article) It assumes that the Dockerfile of a project is in src/main/docker and also it uses the assembly syntax for actually deciding what artifact is available during the Docker build step.

Here is the respective pom.xml fragment






Again we configure the name of the image and the location of the Dockerfile. For the run section, we map port 8080 (where tomcat runs) from the container to the Docker host and we also define a wait condition.

Having a wait condition is one of the strongest points of the Fabric8 Docker plugin as it allows you to run integration tests against the containers. Maven will wait until the container is “healthy” before moving to the next phase, so we can guarantee that when the integration tests are running the container will be ready to accept requests.

The configuration setting basically makes sure that the container is launched before the tests and destroyed after. Here is the diagram:

The final result is that we can run mvn verify and the following will happen:

  1. Java code will be compiled
  2. Unit tests will run
  3. A WAR file will be created
  4. A tomcat Docker image with the WAR file will be built
  5. The Docker image will be launched locally and will expose port 8080
  6. Maven will wait until the container is actually up and can serve requests
  7. Integration tests will run and will hit localhost:8080
  8. The container will be stopped
  9. The result of the build will be reported

Here is a sample run

[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:0.26.0:build (start) @ wizard ---
[INFO] Building tar: /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/02-using-fabric8-plugin/target/docker/
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Created docker-build.tar in 464 milliseconds
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Built image sha256:f15a6
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Removed old image sha256:7cebc
[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:0.26.0:start (start) @ wizard ---
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Start container 65cefab5942c
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Waiting on url http://localhost:8080/wizard.
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Waited on url http://localhost:8080/wizard 8297 ms
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.18:integration-test (default) @ wizard ---
[INFO] Failsafe report directory: /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/02-using-fabric8-plugin/target/failsafe-reports
 T E S T S
[..redacted for brevity…..]
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] --- docker-maven-plugin:0.26.0:stop (stop) @ wizard ---
[INFO] DOCKER> []: Stop and removed container 65cefab5942c after 0 ms
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.18:verify (default) @ wizard ---
[INFO] Failsafe report directory: /home/osboxes/workspace/docker-maven-comparison/02-using-fabric8-plugin/target/failsafe-reports
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Plot twist: Using Maven from Docker

If you have been paying attention you will have noticed that the Dockerfiles we used so far expect the application to be already compiled. This means that the machine that creates the Docker image needs to have a development environment as well (in our case a JDK and Maven).

This is of course very easy to handle in your workstation, but quickly becomes problematic when it comes to build slaves. Traditionally, build slaves that include development tools have been very resistant to changes (especially if in your organization the build slaves are not controlled by the development team). Upgrading a newer version of the JDK or Maven in a build slave is one of the most common requests from a dev team to an operations team. The pain of tooling upgrades is even more evident with organizations that are not pure Java shops (imagine a build slave that has Java, Node, Python, PHP etc).

The reason that this happens is that both plugins we have seen so far assume that Maven is in control. The two plugins work by allowing Maven to control Docker during the build process.

Here is the plot twist: We could also revert this relationship and allow Docker to control Maven :-). This means that Docker calls Maven commands from within a Docker container. While most people think Docker as a deployment format for the application itself, in reality, Docker can be used for the build process as well (i.e. tooling via Docker)

The approach has several advantages. First of all, it makes the combination, future proof as the API of the docker daemon is no longer relevant to the build process. Secondly, it makes for really simple build slaves (they only have Docker installed and nothing else)

As a developer, you also gain the fastest upgrade possible for build tools. If you have Maven version N and you want to go to version N+1 you just change the Docker image that is used for the Maven compilation and you are done. No need to open a ticket or notify anybody for an upgrade. Do you want to use 3 different versions of JDKs at once? Again this is super simple as you can use 3 different Dockerfiles for 3 different application. All of them can build on the same machine.

In the past, Docker tooling for compiled languages was a bit complicated (because normally you don’t want your compilation tools to end up in the production image), but with the introduction of multi-stage builds in Docker version 17.06 the process is now much easier.

The idea here is that we make the Docker build completely self-sufficient. Instead of making the Docker file assume the existence of the WAR file, we create the WAR file as part of the build process itself.

Here is the respective Dockerfile:

FROM maven:3.5.2-jdk-8-alpine AS MAVEN_TOOL_CHAIN
COPY pom.xml /tmp/
COPY src /tmp/src/
RUN mvn package

FROM tomcat:9.0-jre8-alpine
COPY --from=MAVEN_TOOL_CHAIN /tmp/target/wizard*.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/wizard.war

HEALTHCHECK --interval=1m --timeout=3s CMD wget --quiet --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:8080/wizard/ || exit 1

First, we use a Maven image to compile the source code of the application. As an extra bonus mvn package will also execute the unit tests. Then, from the results, we take only the WAR file and embed in the Tomcat image as before.

The source code, the maven dependencies, the raw classes and everything under the Maven target folder are NOT included in the final image.

So what have we gained here?

First of all, there is no fear of API breakage. This Dockerfile will always work regardless of internal API changes in the Docker daemon.

Secondly, if you want to update to Maven 3.6 for the compilation process you just change the first line in the docker file and rebuild your image. This is as simple as it gets.

Finally, if you have 10 applications that compile this way you can actually use 10 different combinations of JDK/Maven just be using a different Maven image. But the build slave itself uses only Docker. No more nightmares of configuring multiple JDKs on the same host.

And let’s say that tomorrow you decide to use Gradle for this very same application. Again you will just use a Gradle image as the first line in the Dockerfile. The ops team does not need to know or even care about what build tool you need for your application.

Having a build process based on Docker also opens a lot of opportunities for working with tools that are Docker compatible (rather than Java/Maven specific)

The best example of this is the ease of moving this project to CI/CD. In the past, migrating to a CI/CD platform meant that you needed to understand first if your favorite versions of Java/Maven were supported. And if they weren’t you had to contact the vendor and ask them to add support.

This is not needed anymore. You can use any tool/platform that supports Docker even if it doesn’t advertise explicit support for Maven.

One thing that we missed with the multi-stage docker build shown above is the run of integration tests (unit tests are still executed just fine).

To run integration tests we will use Codefresh, the Docker-based CI/CD platform. Because Maven is now controlled by Docker and Codefresh supports natively Docker tooling as part of the build process, we can run the build on the cloud without really caring about what tools are available on Codefresh build slaves.

Multi-stage builds with Codefresh

The power of multi-stage builds becomes evident as soon as you create a project in Codefresh. As long as your project contains a Dockerfile (which is true in our case) your build is dead simple!

Here Codefresh will just use the Dockerfile and create a Docker image, downloading the Maven docker image as part of the Docker build itself. You don’t need to know if Codefresh has explicit support for Maven, it doesn’t really matter (this wouldn’t be true if you tried to use the traditional way where Maven controls the build).

Once you select your Dockerfile and without any other configuration Codefresh performs a build and the resulting Docker image is placed on the internal Docker registry (built-in with each Codefresh account).

If we used the non-multi-stage Docker file things would not be as simple. We would need to define within Codefresh how to compile the code first (using a Maven step) and then how to create the image from the resulting WAR file. This is perfectly possible with Codefresh, but much more complex than what we have now.

Multi-stage builds and integration tests with Codefresh

I promised before that we will take care of the automatic run of integration tests (i.e. tests that require the application to be up) even with multi-stage builds. The unit tests run just fine during the build (as part of the maven package goal) but the integration tests do not.

We need a way to launch the application and run integration tests against it. Codefresh can easily do this using compositions (think Docker compose as a service). A Codefresh pipeline can start and stop a Docker image as part of the build process using a syntax similar to Docker compose.

But how do we run the integration tests? Using the Docker paradigm of course! We will create a separate Docker image that holds the tests (i.e. the source code plus Maven). This image is only used during compilation, it is not deployed anywhere so we are ok with it having development tools.

Here is Dockerfile.testing

FROM maven:3.5.2-jdk-8-alpine 
COPY /usr/bin
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/
COPY pom.xml /tmp/
COPY src /tmp/src/

This is a simple Docker file that extends the Maven image and just copies the source code. We also package the wait-for-it script that will come handy later on.

Now we are ready to run everything in Codefresh. For this build, we will use a codefresh.yml file that

  1. Creates the Docker image of the application (multi-stage build)
  2. Creates a second Docker image with the tests
  3. Launches the application image and expose port 8080
  4. Executes the tests from the testing image targeting the launched application
  5. Finishes the build with success if everything passes

Here is the codefresh.yml file

version: '1.0'
    type: build
    description: Building the image...
    image_name: docker-maven-comparison
    working_directory: ./04-codefresh
    tag: develop
    type: build
    description: Building the Test image...
    image_name: maven-integration-tests
    working_directory: ./04-codefresh
    dockerfile: Dockerfile.testing
    type: composition
    title: Launching QA environment
    description: Temporary test environment
    working_directory: ${{main_clone}}
      version: '2'
          image: ${{build_image}}
           - 8080
        image: ${{build_image_with_tests}}
          - app
        command: bash -c '/usr/bin/ -t 20 app:8080 -- mvn verify'

Each Codefresh file contains several top-level steps. The steps defined here are:

  1. Build_image
  2. Build_image_with_tests
  3. Integration_tests

The first step just builds our main application (using the multi-stage dockerfile so that is only has Tomcat and the WAR file).

The second step creates a separate image for integration tests. It is similar with the first step, but it just defines another dockerfile. These first two steps are of type build image.

The last step (which is where the magic happens) does the following:

  1. It launches the first container (with the application) and exposes port 8080. This container is named “app”
  2. It launches the second container with the integration tests. The containers have network connectivity between them and the application one is running on a hostname called “app”
  3. We call the wait-for-it script to account for the tomcat startup time (if you have worked with docker compose locally this should be familiar to you).
  4. Once tomcat is up, the integration tests are running using mvn verify. Notice that the integration tests are “targetable” and can work either with localhost or with another hostname

That’s it! The whole pipeline will succeed if everything goes well. If the unit tests fail or if the integration tests fail, or even if a Docker build fails the whole pipeline will stop with an error.

All steps are visible in Codefresh with individual logs so it is easy to understand which step does what.


Even though we started this article with Maven plugins for Docker, I hope that you can see that multi-stage builds where Docker is controlling Maven (and not the other way around) is a good alternative to the traditional way of Maven plugins:

  • They make our application resilient against Docker API changes
  • There is no need for special Maven plugins anymore
  • It makes the build self-contained. No developer tools are needed on the build machine
  • It makes the setup of build slaves super easy (only Docker is needed)
  • Your operations team will love you, especially if they have to deal with languages other than Java
  • It is very easy to setup CI/CD if you follow the Docker paradigm. And with Codefresh it is very easy to run integration tests as well.

That does not mean that traditional Maven plugins do not have their place. In fact, even multi-stage Docker builds have their own challenges (with regards to caching) and this is why in a future article, we will explore how to work with Maven caching and multi-stage builds.

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22 thoughts on “Using Docker from Maven and Maven from Docker

  1. Disclaimer: I’m the maintainer of the fabric8io/docker-maven-plugin

    The article presents two docker-maven-plugins before it actually plugs Docker multi-stage build for some good reasons.
    I think both approaches have their benefits, but let me comment on two arguments related to the fabric8 docker-maven-plugin:

    “There have been cases in the past where Docker has broken compatibility even between its own client and server, so a Maven plugin that uses the same API will instantly break as well.”

    This might be true especially if you use a typed approach to access the Docker REST API which is used by various Docker client libraries. As your blog explains, fabric8 d-m-p accesses the Docker daemon directly without any client library. This is because we are accessing only the parts required for the plugin’s feature set. This means also that we handle json responses in a very defensive and untyped way.

    And yes, there has been one issue in the early days in 2014 with a backwards-incompatible API change from Docker. This could be fixed quite quickly because d-m-p hadn’t to wait for a client library to be updated. However, since then there never has been any issue and for the core functionality that d-m-p uses.

    I think the relevance of Docker API incompatibilities is exaggerated in the article.

    “Hopefully, the fabric8 plugin also supports plain Dockerfiles. Even there, however, it has some strong opinions. It assumes that the Dockerfile of a project is in src/main/docker and also it uses the assembly syntax for actually deciding what artefact is available during the Docker build step.”

    That is simply not true. You can just put a Dockerfile on the same level as the pom.xml, refer to your artefacts in the target/ directory (with Maven property substitution), and then just declare the plugin without any configuration.
    See for an example.

    BTW, the reason for the own XML syntax is a historical one. The plugin started in 2014 when Dockerfile was quite unknown to Java developers. But Maven plugin XML configuration was (and still is) a well-known business. As time passed by and Docker become more and more popular for Java developers, Dockerfile syntax is well known these days, too. So, I completely agree, that you should use Dockerfiles if possibles, and that’s why the plugin supports Dockerfiles as first-class citizen since the recent versions. The next step is to add a similar support for docker-compose.yml files for running containers. There is already docker compose support included, albeit a bit hidden.

    I agree that multi-stage Docker builds are awesome for generating reproducible builds, as the build tool (Maven) is used in a well defined version. However, using a locally installed Maven during development has advantages, too. E.g. the local Maven repository avoids downloading artefacts over and over again, resulting in much faster build times and turnaround times. Of course, you can add caching to the mix for multi-stage builds, but then the setup gets more and more involved. Compare this to using a d-m-p for which you don’t even need a local Docker CLI installed and you can ‘just start’. For CI builds this properly doesn’t matter much though (and that’s what the blog post is all about I guess).

    Other advantages of using f8s d-m-p :

    Running all your containers (app + deps) locally without the need of support from the CI system
    Extended authentication support against various registries (Amazon ECR, Google GCR, …)
    Automatic rebuilds during development with docker:watch which increase turnaround times tremendously
    Download support files (e.g. startup scripts) automatically by just declaring a dependency to the plugin

    In the end, your mileage may vary but adding a conclusion to the post without comparing pros and cons of both approaches is to biased imo. But at the end, it’s a product blog post of course, too.

    1. Thanks for you comment ! worth to spend some more thinking on the topic, will be happy to discuss in person maven Docker flow and then reflect in the blog .

      Oleg Verhovsky(CTO)

    2. Hello Roland

      First of all I would like to thank you for your feedback. I am feeling overwhelmed that you personally responded to this article. Now to address your concerns

      1) It was never my intention to “ditch” the Maven plugins. That was not my purpose and I apologize if the article sounded like this. I changed completely the wording in the conclusion to present multi-stage docker builds as an alternative to Maven plugins instead of the ultimate solution. I also highlighted the challenge of caching (there was already a teaser for the next article on this topic)

      2) Regarding the problem with backwards compatibility I think the fact that we got from 10+ Maven docker plugins to only 2 today speaks for itself. Don’t you agree? It shows how hard it is to keep a Docker plugin relevant. Even if breakage is not something that should be concerning at the very least readers should know that choosing a Maven plugin ( and I am not talking about fabric8 specifically) is something that they should see its value in the long run.

      3) Regarding the XML dialect for dockerfiles, if it is deprecated it should be removed. Or at the very least given less attention to documentation. For a newcomer to the plugin it is very confusing.

      4) Regarding the simple configuration. I actually tried it with a real world application (not a trivial example as your blog post) and it didn’t work without modifications. Tainting a docker file (which is supposed to be a generic technology) with Maven substitution variables (which is something Java specific) is a huge anti-pattern in my opinion. Maybe I am bit harsh on this one but in my opinion Docker files should be readable by anyone (even people that are not Maven experts) especially in companies that work with other languages apart from Java

      To put this in other words can you guarantee to me that I can take any existing Java project that has a Dockerfile already in the root folder and use the fabric8 maven plugin without any modifications to the Dockerfile itself?

      5)Regarding reproducible builds

      “I agree that multi-stage Docker builds are awesome for generating reproducible builds”. Then we both agree. I will take a reproducible slow build over a flaky fast build any day.

      6)Regarding the conclusion

      I already changed the conclusion in the article.

      1. Thanks for coming back to me 😉 and really happy to discuss the different ways how Java application can be put into containers. Love those discussion 🙂

        Let me try to answer some of your points from my POV:

        2) Well, that so many projects died are IMO due to the reason why so many other personal open source project died: It was exciting when it was a prototype, but when it comes to fixing issues (not necessarily API related one) or writing documentation, then probably the next pet project starts). I can confirm that during the last four years only a negligible fraction of bugs and fixes caused by backwards incompatible changes. Tbh, I remember only one big one, which I could super easily fix because dmp is not dependant on any third party client library. I’m not saying that API incompatibilities can’t be an issue in the future, I just think it’s not so dramatic as described, especially when using an untyped approach with no marshalling (and Docker also became better in keeping backwards compatibility over time, too).

        3) Completely agreed that the documentation needs to be restructured as well as the quickstart examples. Removing will be hard because I indeed try to keep backwards compatibility as long as possible (although we are still < 1.0). There are quite some deprecated config options, but they still have not yet been removed (but will be for 1.0). Let me introduce top-level docker-compose.yml support for the run config and then I will focus on this model.

        4) I also think that having a dual usage of the Dockerfiles (with build args or Maven properties) is somewhat a contrived example and I’m not sure about its usefulness in the wild. However, the big advantage of having Maven driven Docker builds is, that Maven can reuse build information stored in the pom.xml. It’s not only metadata like the image name which can be extracted, but also e.g. the name and location of you artefacts, which typically include version numbers. Using these properties in a Dockerfile make sense (e.g. I’ve seen in your example you are using wildcards which imo can be dangerous as well when you forget to clean your target. At least it’s fuzzy). Everything in Maven driven Docker image build is self contained and stored int the pom.xml. For a multistage Docker build you still need to specify the name of the image (including version) outside of the Dockerfile.

        And yes, you can use any existing Dockerfile directly with the plugin by just storing it top-level. Why shouldn’t this be the case? These Dockerfiles would have solved the issue of varying versions numbers anyway in a Maven independent way and if you don’t want to replace properties then just don’t use them (or switch that off). But running such a Dockerfile without a prior build doesn’t make sense anyway, so why not just let it managed by Maven in that case.

        One of my main points might have been a bit hidden. For me, having quick turnaround times for local development is important. Also, the prefered development model should be to always run the applications from containers if the target platform is container-based. So testing, debugging, all this in containers, locally without running in a CI. Therefore quick build times are more important than perfect reproducibility here. Having already a local cache in ~/.m2 is one advantage, so you don’t have to make any special setup with volume mounts. Also, hot-deploying directly into a running container (docker:watch) makes much sense for intial development, too. Turn around cycles can be as fast as running the apps locally. That’s one of the main goals of the plugin.

        But I completely understand that from a CI POV build times does not matter that much and the priorities are different.

        That’s why I say, your mileage may vary 😉

        btw, are the description how to run container in the codefresh.yml a custom, compose like syntax or is it a real compose file just embedded in your yaml ?

        1. 2) Maybe Docker is more stable now and you have a point. Also there are some new tools which allow you to build Docker images without the Docker daemon. This actually changes a lot of assumptions about Docker

          3)Glad to hear that you are going to restructure the documentation. Yes, as it is now it is not clear that the XML way of building Docker images is historical.

          4) Well yes I see what you mean 🙂 But Codefresh is a CI/CD company so the article is obvious more about reproducible builds instead of fast local development

          Regarding the Codefresh yml file it is actually both. We accept compose like syntax but we also support some extra features specific to Codefresh. So it is easy to migrate an existing Docker compose file but you also add some Codefresh magic on top of it. More info here

          By the way, Google has recently released a tool Java apps specifically for containers:

      2. “I agree that multi-stage Docker builds are awesome for generating reproducible builds”. Then we both agree. I will take a reproducible slow build over a flaky fast build any day.

        Sorry if I am rekindling a very old thread but working on a project which is very large and has tons of dependencies I can say for sure that I prefer a fast build and occationally tinkering with Maven versions and API changes over “reproducible slow builds”. The latter would be quite intolerable and reduce productivity by a huge factor. This statement sounds like it comes from someone with a purely academic background.

    1. Good question. If would guess this is because they don’t want to favor any particular programming language and because they will not really gain anything out of it..

      1. What is your thought on BuildKit and a custom Maven Frontend for it. I’ve been to DockerConEU recently and it was pretty amazing what can be done with Docker BuildKit.

        1. I still prefer multi-stage builds as they are self-contained. With the Maven frontend you would need Maven as well as a JVM installed on the build node. Multi-stage builds are also perfect for organizations that work with multiple languages (not just Java). Operators and sys-admins will have a much easier life if they only have to deal with dockerfiles and nothing else.

          That being said, there are several new tools like Kaniko and buildah that might be interesting in the future.

          1. in the project i’m working on, the devops colleagues also tried to introduce multi-stage builds based on pipelines and docker images. it was a disaster! the developers were not able to build their artifacts locally in the same way as they were created on the CI environment. it took weeks until the build results of local builds were halfway identical to those of the CI builds. if we are talking about repeatable builds, we should also bear in mind that builds on the local development machine run halfway as the builds on the CI environment. another disadvantage of staged-builds with pipelines is that the pipelines only run on the respective CI-environment. for a good maven or gradle-build it can run on any CI-server. so that you don’t fall into the trap of a vendor-lockin. this point should also be considered. if you ever had to switch from one CI/CD-system to another in a more complex project, you will know a thing or two about it.

          2. I tend to disagree. It is the other way around. Multi-stage builds run everywhere where docker is installed no matter if it CI or dev workstation. You just do docker build . -t my-app. No JDK needed, no maven needed. How can it be simpler than this?

            Normal CI builds for Maven/Gradle need a specific JDK and in the case of Maven you also need to specify the maven version (the gradle wrapper is a bit better in that aspect). And anybody who has worked with multiple JDK versions at the same time knows the nightmares of trying to compile applications with different JDK requirements. This problem is completely eliminated with multi-stage builds.

            Also I fail to understand what is the vendor lock-in you mention. Docker multi-stage builds are native to Docker and have nothing to do with Codefresh or any other CI provider. Can you clarify what you mean by the vendor lock-in trap?

          3. the problem i see in the following. it’s not just about building the application and pressing it into a docker image. ideally, the built deployable (in our case the docker image) should at least have been (integration-) tested before it is released anywhere. in the good old maven world there is a build-lifecycle for this. as long as you stick to this convention (which you should) you can be pretty sure that an mvm clean deploy will result in build, test, integration-test, packaging etc. being done before the result is presented to the public. thanks to the excellent fabric8 plugin, this concept can now be applied to docker images as well. again, the maven build can usually be set up so that an mvn clean deploy will result in a fully integration-tested docker image. in case of multi-staged builds this maven-build-lifecycle is broken unnecessarily, because at the latest when you create the docker image you are out of the maven world. this means that a simple mvn clean deploy (or local mvn clean install) does not run the test of the created deployable at this point. so the world becomes more difficult for the java developer.
            the vendor lockin is now created by moving test of the created deployable into pipeline definitions to get a cleanly built and tested build result at the end. the pipeline definitions are then CI system-specific.
            I don’t want to doubt that multi-stage builds (possibly in combination with pipelines) can achieve the same or even much more than maven. But it makes the whole thing more complex and confusing for the software developer. but ok, new technologies, new tools 😉
            by the way, we helped ourselves by creating a docker-in-docker capable builder image. this way we were able to build and test our docker images from within the maven build inside a build container. in combination with the gitflow-maven-plugin, the release of the entire application (microservice) is still possible with a single `mvn clean deploy’ deploy, in a way that also made the devops happy because they no longer have to install java or maven. simply use the build container. and to prevent discussions about docker-in-docker. we are aware that this scenario involves some risks and cannot be applied everywhere. in our case, however, it has worked so far.

          4. I guess one big question is if your company has only Java developers. If you have found already something that works for you, then I am happy 🙂
            But in big companies with multiple programming languages (e.g. go, python, java, node), using java plugins is not efficient since multi-stage builds are programming language agnostic.

            Back to main point however, there is nothing that stops you from running integration tests with maven AND packaging the app in a Docker image using a multi-stage build. Maybe I need to write another article to clarify this (the present article was already too big)

            Also, docker-in-docker is more complex than multi-stage builds. Now you have an extra image to maintain (the parent docker image with JDK/MVN) and each time that you need a new version of a tool you have to rebuild it and push it again. Maybe as a developer you don’t see this, but the ops team have certainly more work to do. Again with multi-stage builds you don’t need to maintain any custom images. Not to mention the security implications of docker-in-docker

  2. I see the advantages of using Dockerfile as the single source of truth for a project, but I’m struggling with how to define coherent versions for both the image generated and the app itself (in other words, I want to both have the same version number). What is your approach with that?

    1. This is very easy to handle. You have a pipeline step that reads your pom.xml, extracts the version and creates an environment variable with it. Then all subsequent pipeline steps (including the build step) can use it as tag. If you build the image locally (i.e. outside of CI/CD) then the image gets a default tag such as DEV or something similar.

  3. Using Maven from inside a Docker seems very compelling. But what if you have a multimodule project
    where one project depends on another? how to build a dependent project (module) and then the final
    artifact as you cannot simply do

    my/project-of-interest-that-has-dependency-on-other-project> docker build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile

    sure private Maven repository would help. But what if you don’t have such a repository? What is left to do
    is mvn install:install-file?

    1. I don’t see any complexity with multi-module projects. The dockerfile should exist in root level (i.e. where the top level pom is as well). This way the docker context has access to everything. No need for private Maven repository or mvn install commands. Just docker build . as the same directory where top level pom/reactor is.

      I think is is also a good practice anyway (even in non-multi module projects) to place the dockerfile in the same directory as pom.xml and not in src/maven/docker

  4. I just need to run a docker-compose up and I managed to do that, but how do I stop the containers after my integration tests succeeded?
    Also how can I skip starting containers from docker-compose if they are already running without failing the build? :/

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