Deploy Docker Compose (v3) to Swarm (mode) Cluster

Deploy Docker Compose (v3) to Swarm (mode) Cluster

6 min read


Disclaimer: all code snippets below require Docker 1.13+


Docker 1.13 simplifies deployment of composed applications to a swarm (mode) cluster. And you can do it without creating a new dab (Distribution Application Bundle) file, but just using familiar and well-known docker-compose.yml syntax (with some additions) and the --compose-file option. Read about this exciting feature, create a free Codefresh account, and try building, testing and deploying  images instantly.


Swarm cluster

Docker Engine 1.12 introduced a new swarm mode for natively managing a cluster of Docker Engines called a swarm. Docker swarm mode implements Raft Consensus Algorithm and does not require using external key value store anymore, such as Consul or etcd.
If you want to run a swarm cluster on a developer’s machine, there are several options.
The first option and most widely known is to use a docker-machine tool with some virtual driver (Virtualbox, Parallels or other).
But, in this post, I will use another approach: using docker-in-docker Docker image with Docker for Mac, see more details in my Docker Swarm cluster with docker-in-docker on MacOS post.

Docker Registry mirror

When you deploy a new service on a local swarm cluster, I recommend setting up a local Docker registry mirror so you can run all swarm nodes with the --registry-mirror option, pointing to your local Docker registry. By running a local Docker registry mirror, you can keep most of the redundant image fetch traffic on your local network and speedup service deployment.

Docker Swarm cluster bootstrap script

I’ve prepared a shell script to bootstrap a 4 node swarm cluster with Docker registry mirror and the very nice swarm visualizer application.
The script initializes docker engine as a swarm master, then starts 3 new docker-in-docker containers and joins them to the swarm cluster as worker nodes. All worker nodes run with the --registry-mirror option.


# vars

# init swarm (need for service command); if not created
docker node ls 2> /dev/null | grep "Leader"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  docker swarm init > /dev/null 2>&1

# get join token
SWARM_TOKEN=$(docker swarm join-token -q worker)

# get Swarm master IP (Docker for Mac xhyve VM IP)
SWARM_MASTER=$(docker info --format "{{.Swarm.NodeAddr}}")
echo "Swarm master IP: ${SWARM_MASTER}"
sleep 10

# start Docker registry mirror
docker run -d --restart=always -p 4000:5000 --name v2_mirror 
  -v $PWD/rdata:/var/lib/registry 

# run NUM_WORKERS workers with SWARM_TOKEN
for i in $(seq "${NUM_WORKERS}"); do
  # remove node from cluster if exists
  docker node rm --force $(docker node ls --filter "name=worker-${i}" -q) > /dev/null 2>&1
  # remove worker contianer with same name if exists
  docker rm --force $(docker ps -q --filter "name=worker-${i}") > /dev/null 2>&1
  # run new worker container
  docker run -d --privileged --name worker-${i} --hostname=worker-${i} 
    -p ${i}2375:2375 
    -p ${i}5000:5000 
    -p ${i}5001:5001 
    -p ${i}5601:5601 
    docker:1.13-rc-dind --registry-mirror http://${SWARM_MASTER}:4000
  # add worker container to the cluster
  docker --host=localhost:${i}2375 swarm join --token ${SWARM_TOKEN} ${SWARM_MASTER}:2377

# show swarm cluster
printf "nLocal Swarm Clustern===================n"

docker node ls

# echo swarm visualizer
printf "nLocal Swarm Visualizern===================n"
docker run -it -d --name swarm_visualizer 
  -p 8000:8080 -e HOST=localhost 
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock 

Deploying multi-container application – the “old” way

The Docker compose is a tool (and deployment specification format) for defining and running composed multi-container Docker applications. Before Docker 1.12, you could use docker-compose to deploy such applications to a swarm cluster. With 1.12 release, that is no longer possible: docker-compose can deploy your application on single Docker host only.
In order to deploy it to a swarm cluster, you need to create a special deployment specification file (also knows as Distribution Application Bundle) in dab format (see more here).
To create this file, run docker-compose bundle. This will create a JSON file that describes a multi-container composed application with Docker images referenced by @sha256 instead of tags. Currently the dab file format does not support multiple settings from docker-compose.yml and does not support options from the docker service create command.
It’s really too bad, the dab bundle format looks promising, but is useless in Docker 1.12.

Deploying multi-container application – the “new” way

With Docker 1.13, the “new” way to deploy a multi-container composed application is to use docker-compose.yml again (hurrah!). Kudos to the Docker team!
*Note: You do not need docker-compose. You only need a yaml file in docker-compose format (version: "3")

$ docker deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml

Docker compose v3 (version: "3")

So, what’s new in docker compose version 3?
First, I suggest you take a deeper look at the docker-compose schema. It is an extension of the well-known docker-compose format.
Note:docker-compose tool (ver. 1.9.0) does not support docker-compose.yaml version: "3" yet.
The most visible change is around swarm service deployment.
Now you can specify all options supported by docker service create/update commands, this includes:

  • number of service replicas (or global service)
  • service labels
  • hard and soft limits for service (container) CPU and memory
  • service restart policy
  • service rolling update policy
  • deployment placement constraints link

    Docker compose v3 example

    I’ve created a “new” compose file (v3) for the classic Cats vs. Dogs voting app. This example application contains 5 services with the following deployment configurations:

  1. voting-app – a Python webapp which lets you vote between two options; requires redis
  2. redis – Redis queue which collects new votes; deployed on swarm manager node
  3. db – Postgres database backed by a Docker volume; deployed on swarm manager node
  4. result-app  Node.js webapp which shows the results of the voting in real time; 2 replicas, deployed on swarm worker nodes
  5. worker .NET worker which consumes votes and stores them in db;
  • # of replicas: 2 replicas
  • hard limit: max 25% CPU and 512MB memory
  • soft limit: max 25% CPU and 256MB memory
  • placement: on swarm worker nodes only
  • restart policy: restart on-failure, with 5 seconds delay, up to 3 attempts
  • update policy: one by one, with 10 seconds delay and 0.3 failure rate to tolerate during the update
version: "3"


    image: redis:3.2-alpine
      - "6379"
      - voteapp
        constraints: [node.role == manager]

    image: postgres:9.4
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - voteapp
        constraints: [node.role == manager]

    image: gaiadocker/example-voting-app-vote:good
      - 5000:80
      - voteapp
      - redis
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 2
      labels: [APP=VOTING]
        constraints: [node.role == worker]

    image: gaiadocker/example-voting-app-result:latest
      - 5001:80
      - voteapp
      - db

    image: gaiadocker/example-voting-app-worker:latest
          - workers
      - db
      - redis
    # service deployment
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 2
      labels: [APP=VOTING]
      # service resource management
        # Hard limit - Docker does not allow to allocate more
          cpus: '0.25'
          memory: 512M
        # Soft limit - Docker makes best effort to return to it
          cpus: '0.25'
          memory: 256M
      # service restart policy
        condition: on-failure
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3
        window: 120s
      # service update configuration
        parallelism: 1
        delay: 10s
        failure_action: continue
        monitor: 60s
        max_failure_ratio: 0.3
      # placement constraint - in this case on 'worker' nodes only
        constraints: [node.role == worker]



Run the docker deploy –compose-file docker-compose.yml VOTE command to deploy my version of “Cats vs. Dogs” application on a swarm cluster.

Cats vs. Dogs on Swarm cluster

Hope you find this post useful. I look forward to your comments and any questions you have.

Hope you find this post useful. I look forward to your comments and any questions you have. Now, it’s time to get you onboarded.  Go on and create a free Codefresh account to start building, testing and deploying Docker images faster than ever.


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13 thoughts on “Deploy Docker Compose (v3) to Swarm (mode) Cluster

  1. Great post. This solves exactly a problem I was having. I look forward to trying it out.

    And it’s good to see the Docker team bringing together compose and swarm.


  2. Excellent write-up! Helped me get up and going with Swarm fast.

    Have you ever used swarm in a dev environment? I’m curious how easy it would be to setup a development environment for a web application?

  3. I wonder can you add a constraint to deploy applications on designated VMs in an AWS setup like you could in compose V2 rather than worker/manager Nodes. I mean where you need certain applications to have particular ram requirements without all machines needing to have larger ram specification

    1. Yes, it’s possible. Take a look at the following link
      You can specify `placement constraint` by node id/hostname/label/role or by Docker engine label. Which allows you to run service on specific VMs.

      1. I had to remove both placement constraint, otherwise the don’t work. Any idea?
        Docker version 17.04.0-ce

  4. Hi Alexei, very good blog post. Do you know whether variable interpolation and multiple compose files are supported or not? Thanks in advance.

  5. I had to make some changes to get this to work at all (different image repositories/names, docker stack deploy vs. docker-deploy, etc.). However, I can’t quite get this to work completely. The voting app works (http://localhost:15000/), but the result of the click doesn’t and the workers keep failing with timeouts. Are you able to get it working, at the moment?

    My changes:

    1. The first thing I noticed reading through your Dockerfile is that you’re setting the host to use LOCALHOST as the address. However, what will happen within a docker stack is that your node will register incorrectly and not be reachable to your hub. this is because the reference to ‘LOCALHOST’ will just give the localhost of that container, and not anything identifiable to an outside service.
      The change you should make, in my opinion, is use HOSTNAME when setting the host of the node. This will take the container on which the node is running’s hostname and apply it there, which will allow the hub to communicate back to the node.
      In your example you will see that the hub is continuously dropping that node as ‘unreachable’, and in my experience this is the cause.
      Of course, there is the possibility that I am incorrect, but, having set selenium grid up numerous times in stacks, I think this is probably sound advice.
      Also, if you’re using the docker stack deploy commands, I’d think that this should be within the compose file, and not the Dockerfile, as your resulting image is much less portable with these variables defined within the Dockerfile.

  6. Hi,
    Your mentioned in this tutorial that command is:
    $ docker deploy –compose-file docker-compose.yml VOTE
    But at the same project on GitHub:
    $ docker stack deploy –compose-file docker-stack.yml vote
    Please advise how it can be different while deploy is the same to swarm. Thanks.

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