Hosted Helm Repositories BETA in Codefresh

Hosted Helm Repositories BETA in Codefresh

1 min read

The beta is now over and Helm Repositories are available in Codefresh! Read the announcement here.

Today we’re excited to announce a new addition to the Codefresh platform. In addition to our CI/CD pipelines, built-in Docker registry, Kubernetes Dashboard, and on-demand environments, Codefresh will soon be adding hosted Helm repositories.

Open source is incredibly important for Codefresh. We’ve already built on technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, and many others. As part of our commitment to open source, we’re building these repositories on the already popular open source project, Chart Museum and will be contributing upstream to improve the project for everyone.

Codefresh already supports adding your own Chart repositories, either from your own Chart Museum instance or other providers like Jfrog Artifactory. By adding built-in Chart repositories we’re extending our already deep integrations into Helm and Kubernetes to make life even easier for our users.

Sign up for early access here.

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