Workshop: Modernizing AWS Software Delivery to Lambda, Ec2, EKS and more using CI/CD and GitOps

During the last decade AWS set the standards for compute infrastructure: either serverless functions with AWS Lambda, or containerized long-living microservices running on Amazon EKS or ECS, or just self-managed workloads hosted on Amazon EC2. It’s no longer the issue to find the right platform to host your solution to achieve scalability, reliability, cost and other specific system design and business demands. But it’s still a marathon to gain the efficiency of deployments and agility for continuous delivery.

In this workshop with Codefresh and AWS, we will show the different approaches available for deploying software to AWS compute resources. We will demonstrate and discuss the differences between traditional deployments and more modern GitOps (or Everything-as-Code with an operator) deployments and how to leverage CICD, quality gates, and orchestration across instances, nodes, and regions.

The Key Takeaways:

  1. Deployment strategies to Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS using Codefresh CICD pipelines. You will utilize and practice: AWS CLI, Packer, Terraform, Kubectl
  2. Deployments and Everything-as-Code strategy
  3. Practice deployments using GitOps and Crossplane (EKS)

This webinar may include:

  • Slide Deck
  • Full Video
  • Github Project


Kostis Kapelonis
Senior Developer Evangelist, Codefresh
Dan Garfield
Co-Founder and COSO, Codefresh
Marina Novikova
Sr. Partner Solution Architect, AWS

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