Codefresh collaborating with Google Cloud to provide simplified test and deployment pipelines

Codefresh collaborating with Google Cloud to provide simplified test and deployment pipelines

2 min read

Austin Texas (Dockercon 2017), CA (April 11, 2017)

Google’s cloud offering is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with features like native container support, low cost infrastructure, and tight integrations into the next generation of development tools. Codefresh, a next-wave CI/CD built specifically around containers, is announcing a streamlined tie in with Google Cloud technologies. The partnership will bring more developers into Google Cloud’s ecosystem and link the process of committing code to testing, sharing, and deploying software.

Codefresh is announcing two key integrations into Google’s cloud technology.” said Raziel Tabib, CEO of Codefresh. “First, Google Container Engine is one of our favorite platforms because of it’s native Kubernetes support. We’re simplifying automated deployment to Kubernetes and Container Engine by adding a simple command option to our platform.” The feature will allow developers to set up code, test, and deploy pipelines in a matter of minutes.

“Second, we’ve found developers working with containers need a powerful registry designed just for them. We’ve worked with Google Cloud to embed the Google Container Registry directly into Codefresh’s platform.” said Tabib. Codefresh’s registry focuses on providing developers more of a playground experience for working with lots of images, swapping them out, and extending their value with customer metadata (e.g., test results, commit info, build SHA, logs, issue id, etc.).

An embedded registry has several advantages, according to Tabib.

  • Image quality control is higher since it’s built right into the test flow
  • Build-assist images (for example, those used with Java and other compiled languages) stay nicely organized in the dev space
  • Codefresh extends the images with valuable metadata (e.g., test results, commit info, build SHA, logs, issue id, etc.), creating a sandbox-like registry for developers
  • Build speed is faster since the embedded registry is ‘closer’ to the build machines

Tabib went on, “We’re very committed to Google Cloud and in our testing we see these tighter integrations making it much easier for developers to extend their applications in a scalable and manageable way.” Codefresh’s platform is the first of a new wave of CI tools to embrace containers and design test/deployment pipelines to take advantage of container’s unique properties. The end result is increased developer velocity and easier team communication on the progress of code in the development pipeline.” The ability to push to Kubernetes and Google Container Engine is now available at, with documentation available here.

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