Bringing Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud

Bringing Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud

2 min read

Did you catch out latest webinar with Chris Rosen from IBM Cloud Container Services on Bringing Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud? Don’t worry if you missed it,  we’ve recorded it for you to view on demand!

Dan Garfield from Codefresh used IBM Cloud’s Container Service service to set-up a basic pipeline that builds and deploys images into Kubernetes using out-of-the-box steps.

One of the most critical components of adopting Kubernetes is providing a control plane to engineers so they can deploy what they need. We show you how Codefresh can help you do just that. We also demonstrate how testing not only validates your code but also your infrastructure.

Ultimately, you’ll end up with high-quality applications that ship fast!

Check out the full webinar here:

Watch the webinar


Also, check out the detailed blog post on the: IBM Cloud Blog


Here are all the slides from the Webinar for a sneak peek:


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