Quick start: Multi-environment promotion with dependencies

Promote product apps between environments with dependencies

In the final quick start, we’ll explore how to create dependencies between environments in a Promotion Flow.

By default, each environment in a promotion flow (except the trigger environment), is dependent on the one preceding it.
However, critical environments may rely on the success or stability of multiple environments before they are promoted to. By defining additional dependencies, you can ensure that changes are promoted only when all required environments meet the specified criteria.

In this quick start, we’ll update the multi-env-sequential-promotion Promotion Flow.

Add dependency to Promotion Flow

Update the dependency on the prod environment, by selecting staging in addition to qa.

  1. From the list of Promotion Flows, open multi-env-sequential-promotion. In the example, we have already added the staging environment as a parallel environment to qa.
  2. Mouse over the environment for which to add the dependency (prod), and click Depends on.
  3. Select the additional environment, staging for the quick start, and then click Update dependency.

Promotions quick start: Update dependencies for environment

Promotions quick start: Update dependencies for environment

Here’s the multi-env-sequential-promotion Promotion Flow with the updated dependency.

Promotions quick start: Chart view of Promotion Flow with updated dependencies

Promotions quick start: Chart view of Promotion Flow with updated dependencies

Here’s the YAML view of the same flow with the updated dependency.

Promotions quick start: YAML view of Promotion Flow with updated dependencies

Promotions quick start: YAML view of Promotion Flow with updated dependencies
  1. Continue with Trigger and view product release with dependencies.

Trigger and view product release with dependencies

Triggering a Promotion Flow with dependencies promotes changes to the target environment only after all dependent environments are successfully promoted.

  1. Open the multi-env-sequential-promotion Promotion Flow and click Trigger.
  2. Select the product, the application to promote, and then click Trigger once again.
  3. Click View Release Details.

The Release view displays the dependencies in the Promotion Flow, showing that promotion to prod is contingent on the successful promotion of both qa and staging.
In this example, while qa has been promoted successfully, staging is still pending promotion, preventing prod from starting its promotion.

Promotions quick start: Release view of Promotion Flow with dependencies

Promotions quick start: Release view of Promotion Flow with dependencies

Congratulations! You’ve completed the final quick start in the Promotion series!

By now, you’ve successfully created environments, your first product, added applications, and promoted them across environments. These foundational steps empower you to manage complex promotions confidently and effectively.

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, learn more on promotion settings for products and configuring promotion entities. Configuring version and promotable properties for products
Configuring promotion flows and triggers for products
Configuring promotion entities